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around her. She felt nervous too. The woman addressing them was a vampire as well. Chances were
she d do nasty things to get what she wanted.  That won t be good for the pack. Not to mention&  He
paused and shifted his hips, allowing her to feel the length of his cock between the crease of her
bottom. This was the closest they d been since he d brought her to his home. Apparently he
appreciated the intimate, physical contact.  You have other things to worry about. Your former coven
will eventually become an issue for you. Geneva is a power-hungry creature. Sooner or later she s
going to build a reputation in the city.
 How so? Sadie asked suspiciously.
 By joining with other covens. She wants to lead them all. It ll eventually become a pack
problem, seeing as her kind are bedding down with werewolves. She s found a tome filled with
spells to use against you. True, her arrogance will kill her. But by the time she s gone the damage will
be done.
Sadie s irises turned bluish-white.  Bullshit. She s terrified of werewolves.
 Which is why she wants to use them. Familiars make your kind much more powerful, don t they?
Can you see where I m going with this?
The blonde vampire paled.  She s not that fucking stupid.
 No? You don t think so? Aldon asked mockingly.  Take a minute. Think about it. Do you
honestly think a bit of fear will keep her from what she wants? Imagine what she could have
accomplished if certain members of her coven had stuck around.
 I can handle Geneva. Sadie seemed to recover, though her voice trembled.  The bitch won t
know what hit her.
 I have no doubt.
 Don t change the subject, Leigh butted in.  Will you help us or not?
 That depends, Aldon replied.
 You might look and sound like an asshole, she countered,  but we both know you re not one.
We re asking for your help. She hesitated for a moment and clarified,  I am asking for your help.
 What do I get in exchange? Aldon sounded calm but Olivia knew he wasn t. Tension oozed
from him, his power like a steady hum whispering over her skin.  If I have to sweeten the pot, so do
 I ll find the conjurer, the woman answered.  You know I can do it. It won t take much. The best
part is you won t have to do a thing.
 And when you find her, what will you do? As strong as you think you are, you ll never kill her.
She can crush you in the blink of an eye.
 I don t want to kill her. Magic suffused the air, coming from the vampire, and Olivia gasped.  I
want to help her. It won t be easy, I m sure. But if it means getting Nathan back I ll find a way. I can
get to her and tell you where she is. We can keep her safe.
 You re fine with this? Aldon asked Trey and Sadie.  Is this what you want?
 Actually, Trey looked and sounded annoyed,  this is news to me.
 Leigh, Sadie said quietly.  Think about what you re offering. If you go we won t be able to
protect you. You know the rules. The pack can t be involved. Not in this. You know what Diskant
Pack? A cold spike rushed through Olivia. She really looked at Trey.
Tan. Huge. Growly.
Holy shit. A werewolf.
Her body trembled, her heart racing at full speed. She wanted to get away. She wanted to hide.
Vampires were bad. Were werewolves worse? Trey seemed to have Sadie under his control.
Perhaps he was what she should be frightened of.
 Easy, luvena, Aldon murmured into her ear.  I told you all is not as it seems. The world is
bigger than you ever imagined. Maybe now we can have a talk and you ll listen for a change.
Oh yeah, she d listen.  Okay, she replied, her voice cracking.
 I have thought about it, Leigh told Sadie and gazed at Aldon.  I can do this.
 Can doesn t mean should. Sadie seemed doubtful.
 It s her choice, Trey said.  The pack is our priority. His amber-hued eyes rose and he stared
right at Aldon.  That s another thing. You re not welcome at Diskant s home. You re never to come
there again. If you do we ll tell everyone who ll listen about you. We ll spread the word through all
the packs. As soon as they find out what you tried to do to Diskant s mate there ll be a bounty on your
 You re willing to tell them about your vampire mate? Aldon tsked.  That won t go over well.
Seems you have more to lose than I do.
 If that s what it takes, Sadie said.
 I have no interest in the pack or you for that matter, Aldon spoke to Sadie.  I never did. If it
weren t for Geneva s scheming it s quite probable our paths never would have crossed. You tracked
me down, remember? Everything that s happened is because of your coven. Think about that.
 Do we have a deal or not? Leigh cut the conversation short.
 You ll have to seal it in blood, Aldon said. Olivia jerked when he released her. He shifted
away, moving before her. He took a protective stance inches from her body, his back almost touching
her chest.  I have to know where you are. I ll expect to be able to find you whenever I want. If you
receive information I expect you to meet me and share what you know. That s not negotiable.
 Leigh, Sadie said, obviously horrified.  Don t.
 I ve made up my mind, Leigh replied and moved from Sadie. She shifted her shoulders,
removing her jacket. The garment hit the ground and she kept coming.  The pack is safe. You can go
home and take care of them. You can t talk me out of this so don t try. She stopped inches from
Aldon.  If this is what it takes, I ll let you take my blood. But I have one condition, she said, offering
him her wrist.  You start looking for Nathan right now. Get him back to the pack as quickly as
When Aldon touched the vampire a flash of jealousy crashed into Olivia. She didn t like him
wrapping his arms around the woman s arm, hated the way his fingers cradled her elbow and wrist. A
part of her wanted to pull him back and tell the woman to fuck off. It didn t make any sense.
Why should she be jealous? He didn t belong to her.
He struck, his teeth penetrating skin, and the woman hissed.
Olivia had to turn away, unwilling to see the ecstasy in the woman s features. Having been around
vampires and the humans they fed on she knew the initial puncture hurt but was immediately followed
by pleasure. She d seen slaves bitten time and again, so she was aware of what to expect. Surely it
was the same when vampires fed from one another. She waited to hear the woman moan, steeling [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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