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expected to feel before his thick cock split her inexperienced pussy in half.
Feeling the heat of her softly quivering flesh against his aching cock, Tom thought he might lose his load
right then, even before he had a chance to get it into her. Shoving his hips forward, he pressed his huge,
lust-swollen cock's head into the moistly tight little passage ... and, slowly, it sank into the cringing
warmth of her femaledom.
"Oooohhhh!" Linda groaned for mercy and pressed her face into the pillow in an attempt to stifle the
volume of her cry. She attempted to lurch away from the cruel thrust, but he held her hips tightly with
both hands, preventing any escape from the painful entry.
Pushing again, Tom Harvey drove the throbbing length of his massive penis another inch inside her tightly
palpitating opening, noting as he did so that the tiniest move elicited a moan of protest from deep in her
throat. He slowly continued the brutal impalement of her helplessly shaking young body, his hotly
throbbing cock anxious to be totally ensheathed in the velvety warm walls of her cunt. Inch by inch he
drove his way into her, slowly filling her heatedly quivering passage with the massive hardness of his
jerking penis. The crevice of her buttocks closed tightly as the muscles in her passage resisted the steady
penetration, but the warmly flowering lips of her pussy were sexually moistened to receive him. It was as
though her vagina was willingly swallowing him up inside, and his cock swelled even larger in the
tightness of her involuntarily clasping tunnel of lust.
Linda felt as if she was being stretched to the bursting point, and she could clearly feel every wrinkle and
ridge of his monstrous, blood-pounding penis through the sensitized walls of her inflamed vagina. His
relentless penetration seemed to go on and on, then still for a moment. She was sure he was all the way
in - as far as he could go! After a second he flexed his long, hard cock, and then without any warning,
lurched another four inches up into her searing belly.
"Aaaaaggghhhhh!" The presence of other people in the room was no longer occupying her thoughts as
she shrieked more from surprise than pain. She now realized that her tight vagina was completely filled
with his massive cock, and it was even more surprising that she was rapidly adjusting to it. Her initial
shout changed rapidly to cries of burning need as she felt the bushiness of his pubic hair pressing
tantalizingly against her wide-spread inner thighs and his heavy scrotum brushing sensually against her
upturned ass cheeks. Then Tom, with a loud groan of delight, drove even further into her depths, his
balls swinging forward this time to slap noisily up between her tensed thighs. The painfully stretched
young mother was stunned by the blunt head of his heatedly pulsating penis as it pressed into her cervix,
she having taken more cock into her belly than she thought humanly possible.
"Oooohhhhhhh!" Her moan of pleasure-pain was a long-awaited signal for Tom, and he immediately
backed his shaft out of the wet, fleshy tunnel, drawing it out until only the very tip remained inside. He
held it there for a moment, waiting for the subserviently kneeling woman to wiggle her buttocks back for
it, and when she did, he drove down into her depths again. This time his penetration was smooth and
quick; the thick, rubbery head of his cock easily parted the tightly grasping walls of her cunt, as it
plowed up into her belly until his groin was once again pressing hard against her up-turned buttocks. She
whimpered a cry half of pleasure, half of pain, but at that point he was only concerned with fucking her
for all she was worth.
Tom began sawing in and out, taking long, hard strokes that pounded deep inside her tightly quivering
cunt, striking her cervix again and again. He stared down at her kneeling, bent- over form, her firm white
buttocks wantonly wiggling back to his driving rhythm, her smooth back sloping down to the loosely
scattered blonde hair of her twisting head. The sight of her voluptuously sensual body bent to his will
made his balls stir with boiling passion, and they begged him to fuck her quickly so to release the
intolerable pressure of his heated sperm.
"Uunngghhh ... Uunnggghhhh ... Uuuggghhh!" She chanted into the pillow in time to his long hard thrusts,
feeling every inch of his large powerfully pulsating cock as it slid smoothly down her warmly clasping
passage to hit bottom. And then, like a bouncing ball, suddenly it would return to the beginning of her
hungry cuntal mouth. She fucked back, raising her young buttocks up to each of his downward strokes,
eagerly spreading her thighs wider apart to take him as deep as possible. There was nothing left but the
pleasure giving cock in her fiery cunt, pulsating in there with abandon. There was no longer any morals
or shame, no longer fear of men, but instead there was the ultimate pleasure of being fucked and fucked
well ... and of fucking well in return.
"Oooohhhh, God! Fuck me, oohh ... fuck me ..." Linda screeched as her sexual frenzy took complete
control of her thoughts. Her eyes now were glazed over with an implacable lust, and as she stared at the
entwined and fucking bodies next to her, their driving frenzy only added to the lewdly sensual pleasure of
her own fucking. Ray's cock was glistening with a white shining liquid that was continually smoothed
over by the tight flanges of Valerie's pink little cunt as she rode up and down on the fleshy pole. Valerie's
head was thrown back, and she wailed as her orgasm consumed her very being.
"Oooohhhh ... Fuck me ... Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she screamed, echoing Linda's earlier
obscenity. Valerie's writhing, screaming climax seemed to make Tom Harvey's long hard cock grow
even bigger, and Linda arched her wantonly writhing buttocks up to take him deep inside her quaking
belly. She was experiencing a passion she never before realized possible, and it overpowered her
completely. She was witnessing an erotic sexual climax while at the same moment being fucked into a
glorious insensibility. Not even in her imagination had it been so good!
Each downward stroke of Tom's hotly sizzling penis was like a thousand different singular pleasures to
the kneeling Linda and his sperm-filled balls slapped hard and noisily up between her thighs, swinging
forward to stroke her lust hardened clitoris again and again, as he fucked into her dog fashion. There
was never such pleasure, sure pure luxuriousness of sensual delight, and she loved it ... LOVED IT!
Her voluptuous young body was tingling from head to toe, and she now felt confined and restricted by
her clothes - wanting to be free of them. She reached back to loosen the top of her dress, and twisting
erotically all the while, she pulled the material up over her head, throwing it away like useless junk. She
did the same with her brassiere, letting her heavy breasts dance and flutter from the impact of Tom's
hard driving cock. And the moment she was finally naked, she felt his hands moving down over her
back, reaching under her breasts to squeeze them and tweak the nipples between his fingers. She was all
consumed by the sheer lewdness of her compromised position, and she rolled forward on her forehead
to look back beneath her nakedly writhing body to see her hotly quivering cunt being violated by the
hardness of his jerking penis. His long cock pulled out until only the very tip of him remained inside her
body, then it would smoothly drive back down, the hair-lined lips of her cunt eagerly clasping it until the
white shaft of flesh completely filled her warm, hungry passage. His pubic hair was pushing into the
crevice of her buttocks with each hard thrust of his groin, and she felt a tingling that reminded her of the
dog licking at the girl's anus in the movie. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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