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extremely suckable, like the head of an uncut penis that tried to bait a lover
into swallowing the entire piece of meat whole. Two sharp indentations at his
pelvis pointed down to the V of his groin, where a mound of cock and balls
Beautiful Boys 91
swelled under those tight jeans. Working thumb and finger on the zipper, Luke
opened the fly and lifted up onto his knees to tug his pants and briefs midway
down his thighs.
Fuck, the man was built like a god. Some kind of muscular sex deity with
a plump, long cock that had a round, swollen head oozing a pearly gob of cum
right on the tip. Luke's member was too heavy to arch up the way Andy's prick
could almost touch his own navel, and it swung out to hang in the air at a
ninety-degree angle from Luke's groin. At the base, Andy couldn't imagine
getting one hand to wrap around that thick root. Even Luke's closely trimmed
pubes seemed reluctant close all the way around, creating a palm-sized thatch
of short, wiry hairs just above his cock.
In any case, Andy had every intention of giving his mouth a chance to
suck on as many inches of that gorgeous monster as it could take. He sat up
on his elbows and opened his lips wide. As he dived in for that glistening tip,
Luke's hand blocked the way.
 What the hell  Andy started to protest, and Luke slipped two fingers
into his mouth, cutting him off. Out of pure reflex, Andy started sucking and
slobbering those two digits until the spit ran down his chin.
 Come clean with me about the advertisement, or forget about sex. Luke
grinned mischievously. He literally had Andy by the balls, one hand reaching
around to fondle Andy's sac with just the right amount of roughness to feel
teeth-clenching, muscle-tensing delicious.
 You know I was going to say it eventually, Andy admitted between
mouthfuls of Luke's fingers.
 Same way you knew I was going to let you fuck me anyway, Luke replied
throatily. He let go of Andy's balls and dipped down to kiss him on the mouth.
They sucked on each other's lips, their tongues flicking together, exploring,
tasting, and demanding.
This time, Luke broke the kiss first. He slid down Andy's body, dragging
his tongue in a line straight down Andy's smaller but equally toned chest. He
92 Anne Cain
kissed the blunt head of Andy's cock, his lips drawing a pleasant suction on
the rounded tip that made Andy suck in his breath. The guy really knew how to
use his mouth, and he swathed Andy's length in kisses and nips and tugs.
Andy squirmed and wriggled under those full lips, letting out a groan of delight
as Luke bathed the head with his warm tongue.
 Suck me off, Andy practically begged. He nudged his cock deeper into
Luke's mouth, sinking into that hot, wet opening until it felt like his entire
body was covered in the man's spit, and he absolutely loved it.
 I'd rather you fuck me deep in the ass with this pretty cock instead.
Luke was breathing just as heavily.
He moved off Andy and faced away, kneeling on the floor. God, the back of
his body was just as beautiful as the front. Beads of sweat trickled down those
wide lats to pool in the hollow just above his ass, the muscles on those lean
thighs flexed and looked good enough to lick. With his pants gathered around
his knees, he bent over and spread his thighs as far as they could go. He used
one hand to part his ass cheeks, not that it was necessary. The path to the hole
on that toned butt was totally exposed, the pink opening puckered and
inviting. He touched the flushed ring with the same two fingers Andy had
sucked on, and pushed in.
Damn his hole swallowed them right up to the knuckles.
Luke poked and pushed, stretching and working his anus until it yawned
wide open. He started grunting and shaking all over; then he pulled out his
fingers with a moan and waited, holding his breath.
 Um& I don't have a condom. Andy gripped the base of his cock, so
desperate to enjoy that cute bottom waiting for him but unable to. He wanted
to cry.
 Huh? Luke shot him a dirty look over his shoulder.
Beautiful Boys 93
 I don't usually jump guys spontaneously like this! Andy resisted the urge
to smack Luke's ass, only because he worried that would get them both more
aroused.  Don't you have one on you?
 What do you think? Luke looked as desperate and flustered as Andy felt.
 I don't usually plan to end up on someone's living room floor like this either.
 Okay. Andy swallowed.  Bedroom.
Apparently, Luke's apartment was laid out the same way as Andy's, so he
knew his way around in the dark. They clumsily climbed to their feet and raced
across the floor, scrambling toward the small room in the back; Luke tumbled
into the bed, and Andy landed behind him, still pretty much in the right
position to fuck.  Find the rubber, Luke pleaded.
 Okay, okay. Andy rifled through his nightstand drawers while Luke
groaned and started stroking himself. The mattress bounced underneath them,
distracting Andy.
 Hurry, Luke whimpered.
Andy started dumping all sorts of crap out of the drawer in desperation
paperbacks, cough drops, an asthma inhaler& Everything but the kitchen sink
and condoms. Fuck! The situation became more urgent, especially when his
cock started to twinge and ache with a powerful desire to be stroked also. For a
horrifying moment, he feared he was out of condoms, but then he finally
stumbled on a batch of crinkly packets in the back of the bottom drawer.
 Got them! Andy ripped into a wrapper. He felt like he'd just found gold or
discovered the Americas for all his excitement.
Sheathed in slick rubber, Andy gripped the base of his cock and aimed for
Luke's open hole. He pushed in, and Luke clamped down around him, both
men shuddering from the mixture of friction and heat. Andy thrust harder,
inching his way into that tight channel that felt so damn good. He pegged Luke
in just the right spot, and the man bucked underneath him.
 Ah. Luke threw his head back and groaned.  Fuck, that feels great.
94 Anne Cain
 No kidding, Andy gasped. They both lurched together, alternately
panting and moaning while Andy buried himself balls deep. He kept pitching
his hips forward in a pounding rhythm that Luke accepted with nothing but
cries of pleasure, the mattress rocking underneath them. Andy slipped farther
into the flexing passage, enjoying that wonderful mix of heat and pressure.
Luke squeezed him, urging Andy to keep going with throaty moans of
encouragement. A shiver of pleasure coursed through Andy, and he couldn't
hold on any longer. He let go, his orgasm taking over in pure, blissful release.
Out of breath, covered in sweat, and spent, Andy pulled out. He dropped
to the bed and leaned back against the pillows while he gulped down some air.
Luke stayed on hands and knees but glanced over his shoulder with a kind of
dazed but happy expression.  Now what? he asked.
He might've been asking that question in the sense of now what do we do
at work? Now what, are we still rivals? Friends? Lovers?
Andy gave the best answer he could for now. He spread his legs wide apart
and grinned.  It's your turn.
* * * * *
At the end of the week, Howard ducked his head into the design office.  I
don't know what you two guys did to sort things out, but I'm glad. I haven't
heard either of you bitch or moan to me about the other in days.
 We, uh, discuss our projects now. Andy coughed into his fist. Of course,
any conversation usually followed a marathon of sex over every piece of
furniture in his or Luke's apartment. Nothing settled a disagreement over an [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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