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to against her naked body. Edith moved her hands around to their front, between Lorene s
upper thighs and up& until her fingertips slid into her pussy. She could almost feel her
canal tightening over her fingers as she slipped them in and out of Lorene. Edith felt
Lorene s heavy breasts pressing against her, moving almost lingering against her body,
her desire electric.
A tire hit a bump and brought Edith out of the dream.
Carol McKenzie
She would have Lorene soon, though she wanted their first time to be
extraordinarily sexy; a time they would both remember. She wanted to make sure Lorene
was more than ready to receive her. Daydreaming was fine, but Edith was sure the real
thing would be so much better.
Chapter Four
One evening almost three weeks later, Edith planned to deliver a case of whiskey
and collect money, because all her men were busy or on the road delivering and picking
up whiskey elsewhere. It seemed the more men she hired, the more men she needed. Just
that week she d been shot at three times. Three men had joined her business that day;
Jack was among them. Again, her intuition told her that she could trust Jack, but she d
continue to keep up her defenses. In her business, it was hard to trust anyone.
They rode in her Lincoln over the rocky, bumpy southern Illinois back roads. She
had wanted to stay at the office and study the books with William, but that evening, it
was impossible.
 I need to hire more men. I can t be doin all this shit that I m doin. I have other
business to tend, she complained to Jack.  There are the books, and people I need to talk
 If you think about it, Edith, that s good, said Jack, as he tamped a Chesterfield
then put it between his lips. He scratched a wooden match to the sole of his shoe, held it
to the end of his cigarette, and sucked until the end flared to a fiery red. Thoughtfully
after exhaling, he said,  The next place may have some men who want to work.
The car s wheels bumped and jostled them as the driver idled over railroad tracks.
When they were back on the open road,  Pandora s huh? she asked, then she
brought out a flask, screwed off the lid, and sipped. She passed it to Jack.  Here. Take a
He grasped the silver container and took a slug, his head dropped back.
Jack and Edith settled back in their seats while looking ahead through the
windshield, past the two men in the front seat. He handed the decanter back to her and
she slipped it into her jacket pocket.
The pungent odor of fertilized fields filled the car s interior. It was a refreshingly
cool early summer night. Edith wedged her elbow on the window and gazed at the inky
field that slid past. She pulled out a pocket watch and Jack struck a match, so she could
read the time. The headlights of a car approached and passed.
Carol McKenzie
 Thanks, Jack.
It was nearly midnight and they had almost arrived at the moneymaker,
Pandora s Box.
Edith checked the chamber of her derringer. Call it women s intuition, and she
also had a good nose for trouble, but she could feel trouble awaited them. She couldn t
put her finger on what it was, but she knew it was coming.
Carrying on the conversation, Jack and she had dropped fifteen minutes ago, she
added,  I need to find a place to operate out of. I think tomorrow I ll go talk to the bank
and see if they have an empty place for us. I ll pay off the Sheriff. Or pay him more than
Ace pays him. I thought it d be nice to have an inn. Maybe hire a cook, put some tables in
it and a card room where the men can relax and call home between trips. I m sick of
hotels and crappy food. Her stomach felt like it was cramping.
 Sounds good.
 I think I ve got a stomach ache.
Jack said,  It was prob ly that joint we ate at for lunch.
Luke looked back from the front passenger seat, removed the toothpick from his
lip, and said out the side of his mouth,  We see something down in the ditch.
 We re comin up on it now, said the driver.  Edith, do you want us to pull
It set her defenses on high alert when something along a dark, deserted road
caused her cars to stop.  Slow down, but keep your eyes open.
Peering out the window, Edith saw a woman who was down, waving an arm. It
looked like& the woman yelled for help.
Jack looked around.  Yeah. Be ready. You never know. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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