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familiar goodness of heart; and a day's acquaintance with the Signor
Barrofaldi is as much as a year with an ordinary man."
"If this be the case, Sir Smees, I can readily understand, and as
willingly overlook what has passed," returned the vice-governatore, with
a self-complacency that in nothing fell short of that which Vito Viti
had so recently exhibited. "It must be painful to a sensitive mind to
feel the deficiencies which unavoidably accompany the want of
opportunities for study; and I at least can now say how delightful it is
to witness the ingenuousness which admits it. Then, if England has never
possessed a Cicero in name, doubtless she has had many in
qualifications, after allowing for the halo which time ever throws
around a reputation. Should your duty often call you this way, Signore,
during the summer, it will add to the pleasure I experience in enjoying
the advantage of your acquaintance, to be permitted, in some slight
degree, to direct your reading to such works as, with a mind like yours,
will be certain to lead to profit and pleasure."
Raoul made a suitable acknowledgment for this offer, and from that
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moment the best understanding existed between the parties. The
privateersman, who had received a much better education than he
pretended to, and who was a consummate actor as well as, on certain
occasions, a practised flatterer, determined to be more cautious in
future, sparing his literary conjectures, whatever liberties he might
take with other subjects. And yet this reckless and daring mariner never
flattered nor deceived Ghita in anything! With her he had been all
sincerity, the influence he had obtained over the feelings of that
pure-minded girl being as much the result of the nature and real feeling
he had manifested, as of his manly appearance and general powers of
pleasing. It would have been, indeed, matter of interesting observation
for one curious in the study of human nature to note how completely the
girl's innocence and simplicity of character had extended itself over
every act of the young man that was any way connected with her;
preventing his even feigning that religion which he certainly did not
feel, and the want of which was the sole obstacle to the union he had
now solicited for near a twelvemonth, and which, of all others, was the
object by far the closest to his heart. With Andrea Barrofaldi and Vito
Viti, and most especially with the hated English, it was a very
different thing, however; and seldom was Raoul happier than when he was
employed in precisely such a scene of mystification as that in which he
was at that moment engaged.
The vice-governatore having established relations so completely amicable
with the "Signor Smees," could do no less than invite his guest to enter
the palazzo, along with himself and the podesta. As it was yet too light
for the sailor to seek an interview with Ghita, he cheerfully accepted
the offer; making a careful examination of the whole of the northern
margin of the sea, from his elevated position, however, before he
crossed the threshold. This little delay on Raoul's part enabled the
podesta to have a passing word with his friend unobserved.
"You have found 'Sir Smees,'" said Vito Viti, with earnestness, "all
that your wisdom and prudence could desire, I trust? For my part, I
consider him a most interesting youth; one destined at some future time
to lead fleets and dispose of the fortunes of nations."
"He is more amiable and even better informed than I had thought,
neighbor Vito Viti. He gives up his Sir Cicero with a grace that causes
one regret it was necessary; and, like yourself, I make no doubt of his
becoming an illustrious admiral in time. It is true his father, 'Milordo
Smees,' has not done justice to his education; but it is not too late
yet to repair that evil. Go, desire him to enter; for I am impatient to
draw his attention to certain works that may be useful to one in his
line of life."
At this suggestion the podesta returned to the door in order to usher
the imaginary Guernsey-man into the residence. He found Raoul still
standing on the entrance, examining the sea, There were two or three
coasters, feluccas, as usual, stealing along the coast, in the Italian
fashion, equally afraid of the barbarians of the south shore and of the
French of the north. All these would have been good prizes; but, to do
the privateersman justice, he was little in the habit of molesting
mariners of so low a class. There was one felucca, however, that was
just rounding the promontory, coming in from the north; and with the
people of this craft he determined to have some communication as soon as
he returned to the port, with a view to ascertain if she had fallen in
with the frigate. Just as he had come to this resolution, the podesta
joined him, and he was ushered into the house.
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It is unnecessary to give the discourse which succeeded. It related more
to literature and matters in general than to anything connected with our
tale, the worthy vice-govenatore being disposed to reward the
ingenuousness of the young sailor, by furnishing him as much instruction
as the time and circumstances would allow. Raoul bore this very well,
waiting patiently for the light to disappear, when he felt a perfect
confidence of again meeting Ghita on the promenade. As he had discovered
how much more safety there was in diffidence than in pretension, he
found his task of deception comparatively easy; and by letting the
vice-governatore have his own way, he not only succeeded in gaining that
functionary over to a full belief in his assumed nationality, but in
persuading him to believe the "Signor Smees" a young man of even more
erudition than he had at first supposed. By means as simple and natural
as these, Raoul made more progress in the good graces of Andrea
Barrofaldi in the next two hours, than he could have done in a year by
setting up his own knowledge and reading as authority.
There is little doubt that the vice-governatore found this interview [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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