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Mrs. Howard was spared from having to reply by the sudden arrival of Lottie s younger sister Ellie, a
pretty sixteen-year-old girl with a full-cheeked face and heavily lashed blue eyes. Her hair was much
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darker than Lottie s, light brown instead of blond, and her figure was far more generously endowed.
Coming to a breathless halt in the doorway, Ellie beheld her prodigal sister with a crow of excitement.
 Lottie! She rushed forward and seized her older sister in a tight embrace.  Oh, Lottie, you re back! I
missed you every day, and thought of you, and feared for you 
 Ellie, I ve missed you even more, Lottie said with a choked laugh.  I didn t dare write to you, but oh,
how I wanted to. One could paper the walls with the letters I wished to send 
 Ellie, their mother interrupted.  Return to your room.
She was either unheard or ignored, as Ellie drew back to look at Lottie.  How beautiful you are, she
exclaimed.  I knew you would be. I knew&  Her voice trailed away as she caught sight of Nick
standing nearby.  Did youreally marry him? she whispered with a scandalized delight that made Nick
Lottie glanced at him with a curious expression. Nick wondered if she disliked having to acknowledge
him as her husband. She didn t seem disgruntled, but neither did she sound wildly enthusiastic.  Mr.
Gentry, Lottie said,  I believe you have met my sister?
 Miss Ellie, he murmured with a slight bow.  A pleasure to see you again.
The girl flushed and curtsied, and looked back at Lottie.  Will you be living in London? she asked.
 Will you have me there for a visit? I so long to 
 Ellie, Mrs. Howard said meaningfully.  Go to your room now. That is quite enough nonsense.
 Yes, Mama. The girl threw her arms around Lottie for one last hug. She whispered something in her
older sister s ear, a question that Lottie answered with a comforting murmur and a nod. Guessing that it
had been another request to be invited for a visit, Nick suppressed a smile. It seemed that Lottie was not
the only willful daughter in the Howard family.
With a shy glance at Nick, Ellie left the room and heaved a sigh as she walked away from the parlor.
Heartened by her sister s obvious delight in seeing her again, Lottie sent Mrs. Howard a glance of
entreaty.  Mama, there are so many things I must tell you 
 I am afraid there is no point in further discussion, her mother said with brittle dignity.  You have made
your choice, and so have your father and I. Our connection with Lord Radnor is too entrenched to
break. We will fulfill our obligations to him, Charlotte even if you are unwilling.
Lottie stared at her in confusion.  How would you accomplish that, Mama?
 That is no longer your concern.
 But I don t see  Lottie began, and Nick interrupted, his gaze fastened on Mrs. Howard. For years
he had successfully negotiated with hardened criminals, overworked magistrates, the guilty, the innocent,
and everyone in-between. He would be damned if he couldn t come to some sort of compromise with his
own mother-in-law.
 Mrs. Howard, I understand that I am not your first choice as a husband for Lottie. He gave her the
wry, charming smile that worked well with most women.  The devil knows that I wouldn t be anyone s
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preference. But as things stand, I will prove a far more generous benefactor than Radnor. He glanced
deliberately at their dilapidated surroundings and returned his gaze to hers.  There is no reason you
shouldn t make improvements to the house and refurbish it to your satisfaction. I will also pay for the
children s education and see to it that Ellie has a proper coming-out. If you like, you can travel abroad
and spend the summer months at the coast. Tell me whatever you want and you shall have it.
The woman s expression was frankly disbelieving.  And why would you do all that? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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