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could spend all day in his arms and be happy. This was so dangerous.
Alyx righted Bella s dress and watched her sleep. She hadn t woken the entire time he d fixed
her clothes or even while he put his own back on. He inhaled deeply, ensuring she hadn t been hurt
while they d had sex. He d lost himself in her body. Hell, he d roared loud enough to be heard in the
Ice Mountains. There were going to be a lot of questions when he got back. He glanced down at his
sleeping mate. A smile spread over his lips. He finally had her. The woman who owned his heart. His
mother had been right. Once he found her, he d never let her go.
He picked Bella up, careful not to wake her, and carried her through the back gardens to her
room. He laid her on the bed and fought the urge to get in next to her. As much as he wanted to feel
her body pressed against his, he had to speak to Karel and the wolves.
He pushed her hair away from her face and watched her sleep for a moment. She was
beautiful. She might not see it, but he did. There was no evil in his mate. She was pure of heart, and
that made her even more beautiful than when he first laid eyes on her.
He slipped out of her room quietly, striding down the corridor. He was closing in on the stairs
when Nadeeya showed up. She smiled at him.
 Hello, Alyx, she greeted, closing the distance between them.
 Nadeeya. How are you? He continued walking, knowing full well she d follow behind to
keep the conversation going.
 I m good. Where have you been? she asked, with a hint of irritation.  I ve been looking for
you. Those furballs are ready to leave, and you haven t been around.
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face her.  Don t. Ever. Question. Me. He took a
menacing step toward her. He knew she saw the danger in his eyes, and she hastily scuttled back.  No
one ever questions me. Ever. His voice deepened to a low growl. His vision changed to allow his
lion full control. He felt the shift at his fingertips.  I. Am. The. King!
She nodded jerkily and took a deep breath. Her gaze snapped up to his eyes. Confusion was
swiftly replaced by anger in the depths of her eyes. He knew she probably scented Bella. He didn t
care if that bothered her. In fact, he loved that others could scent his mate on him.  Alyx, I m willing
to be your queen.
 Get out of my sight, Nadeeya, he growled.  Now. Before I forget you are a female.
She didn t debate. She ran off, her long blond hair swinging as she went.
He let out an angry roar and marched to the library. Karel stood there; his brows flew up the
moment he saw Alyx.
 Did I hear right? Did you mate her?
He shook his head.  No. I won t do it without her knowing what she s getting into. It s one
thing to be here on a vacation. Quite another to leave all she knows behind for me.
Karel nodded.  Very noble of you.
There was a knock at the door, and Brecc and Eros entered. The Alpha and Omega pair were
as tall as Karel, but with much paler features due to their living conditions, not to mention their
heritage. Snow wolves had white fur, which meant white hair and pale skin.
 Alyx, we d like to know how long the matchmaker will be here, Brecc asked.
Alyx shrugged.  Not long. I believe she s done her job.
Brecc and Eros glanced back and forth at each other.
 Don t worry, Karel said.  I m sure she d be willing to come back and help you two out.
Brecc shook his head.  We are in need of a mate. Her help is needed now.
 Then talk to her while she s here, Alyx snapped. He rubbed a hand behind his neck.  Sorry,
I m a bit frustrated right now.
Brecc grinned for the first time since they d been in the castle.  Now that is something I can
relate to. We have a lot of frustrations in the mountains.
 Any of them annoying family members wanting to choose your mate?
The wolves looked at each other. Eros sighed.  You could say that.
 I think we need a drink, Karel said, heading for the Sidaii wine.
 We ve discussed the river situation, Alyx, Eros said, meeting Alyx s gaze with his pale-
blue eyes.  As long as the Dragos respect our space, we ll respect theirs.
Alyx nodded, taking the cup of wine offered by Karel. He gulped the wine and passed it back
for a refill. After the second cup, he sighed and headed for his chair.
 I ll speak to the Dragos. The problem you might encounter is that they re low on females, so
they re suffering through some breeding problems. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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