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she who was attacking. She had pushed the dwarf back to the bed, still holding his face tightly between
her crotch and sat full down on it with her squirming buttocks. She was straddling the whipping tongue,
grinding his head back down into the mattress until it was only half visible, his hair protruding bushily
from between her full thighs, his legs kicking back toward the edge of the bed to catch his breath. It was
she who was doing the ravishing, animal grunts of lust coming in torrents from her lips. It was obvious to
the crowd, half of whom were now stripped of their clothing, that she was racing for a climax already,
her body completely out of control.
The dwarf was helpless in her desperate grip. He was trying with all his strength to throw her from his
suffocating body but to no avail. He would have choked in another second had not helpful hands from
the assistants pulled the jerking girl's body from him. She screamed in protest, her legs kicking futilely out
into the empty air. He sat up choking and sputtering, his face beet red from the lack of air. "Turn her
over, turn her over," he half shouted, "I'll show the fucking bitch who's master here."
His face was blue with rage. He had lost control of the situation. The crowd was laughing at him and too
many crowds had laughed at him. He had to show them. He had to make this bitch scream and scream
good. Kevin sickened, as he watched Jean's flailing body twisted about on the bed until she was lying
flat on her stomach. Her belly ground into the mattress still striving hopelessly for the near orgasm just
out of reach.
The dwarf took her by the ankles and spread her long slim legs wide apart. He crawled up on his knees
between her full thighs and spread the cheeks of her ass with his hands. From Kevin's position, he could
see clearly the tiny tight ass hole nestled in the crevice. He thought he could see it throbbing as it
anticipated the dwarfs next move. His hand ran up the inside of her thigh all the way to the wetness of his
wife's open cunt and his head dropped to kiss the smooth oval ass cheeks, his tongue trailing down to
lick the crevice between then Kevin could see the skin straining around the hole as the thumbs of the
dwarf pulled at the flesh around it. His fingers probed at the puckered little red inlet like teasing needles.
His wife groaned beneath him "Spread 'em wider," the dwarf commanded.
Jean's legs opened until her toes were hanging over the rounded edges of the bed behind her. They were
almost at right angles with her body. Kevin thought she would split. The dwarfs finger probed and he
could hear her groan as it entered. She jumped forward slightly from the unexpected pain, her mouth
wincing in unheeded protest. She strained back at the intruding finger as the rubbery flesh closed over it
in forced acceptance. A flicker of surprised pleasure passed over her face as it dug to the first knuckle.
He moved it around in the tight expanding hole in preparation of what was to follow, sawing it in and out
expanding the tiny anus more and more. Jean wriggled her hips back against it, her hands clawing at the
mattress in front of her. He dug another finger in, this time it hurt. A short muffled squeal escaped from
her lips as she buried her face into the covers. But the dwarf persisted, placing one hand in the small of
her back and pinning her to the mattress. He screwed both fingers into her mercilessly, stretching the tiny
puckered anus until she grunted in pain each time he twisted his hand. She was being skewered like a
helpless animal on a spit.
Kevin watched in horror at the cruel subjugation of his wife by the deformed little monster. His mind
registered disbelief as her flushed face, the hair strewn down over it, began to register joy. Her mouth
opened and began to pant and mewl as the cruel fingers worked around and around deep up her
wide-stretched rectum. The ugly dwarf grinned as he prodded at the defenseless asshole like an
avenging angel. Jean squirmed beneath his cruel probes in total surrender. "Fuck me there!" she
suddenly screamed, turning her head to the side so that he could look down on it. "Screw my ass!
Screw my ass!" Kevin's stomach sickened as the dwarf pulled the fingers out of his young writhing wife. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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  • Again Virgin (Samhain)
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