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Surprisingly enough, Blair had discovered that the mattress on the cot was
actually thicker and more comfortable than the one in his quarters back on the
Claw  an illustration of military prioritizing at its finest, with thugs
sleeping more comfortably than officers.
Paladin hadn't paid much attention to Blair's comments regarding the bunk. In
fact, he had grown more restless, and the color had all but faded from his
Noting that, Blair now mustered the courage to confront his mentor. "Are you
all right, sir?"
"Are you all right?"
Paladin blinked off the cobwebs of his introspection and faced Blair. "Yeah.
It's just this wait."
"How long has it been since you've seen her?"
"I'm not sure. We bumped into each other a few times since she left. It's
probably been five years. I guess I can wait another hour."
"With all due respect, sir, you look pretty nervous."
The commodore chuckled under his breath. "It shows that much?"
A sudden commotion at the far end of the brig drew Blair's attention.
"Watch it!" came a familiar voice. "You do that again, you'll be
deep-throating that muzzle. Do we understand each other?"
"Shut up!" another man cried.
"Maniac?" Blair called, rushing to the bars. He glimpsed down the corridor
and spotted his bunkmate being ushered toward them by their friendly
neighborhood Pilgrim Marines.
"Hey, that you, Blair?" Maniac squinted to spot him.
"Yeah. I'm with the commodore. What are you doing here?"
"I'm on the free tour."
The Marines keyed open the cell beside Blair's and thrust Maniac inside. A
solid wall stood between their cells, so Blair could only hear his wingman.
"Thanks, guys," he told his escorts. "I'm looking at your hairy legs, and I
gotta tell you, I'm feeling somewhat aroused."
"Close that hole, human" one of the guards retorted before he and his comrade
beat a quick exit.
"You say it like a curse," Maniac cried after them. "At least I ain't a
fanatic and a freak!" Suddenly aware of his company, he added, "No offense,
Page 97
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Paladin arrived beside Blair, his once sallow face now aglow. "Lieutenant?"
he called out to Maniac. "Explain your presence."
"You know it's actually good to see you two locked up. At least I know what
side you're on."
"Lieutenant, answer my "
"Sir, I took a hit, lost control, and came in close to the carrier as she was
about to jump," Maniac began, sounding bored with having to relate the tale.
"I drifted into some kind of neutral field that surrounded the ship. I fired a
tow beam, just hung on, and figured I'd be wasted by the jump. On the other
side, they sent out a couple Rapiers and tractored me back to the flight deck.
Got interrogated by a few people. Don't know if they were officers, they wore
those nutty robes with the symbols along the cuffs. One of them gave the order
to have me executed."
Paladin snorted. "So why am I still talking to you?"
"Well, sir, I kind of dropped your name." Maniac's voice grew more tentative.
"Told 'em I was a friend and that they should check with you first before they
did anything. And son of a bitch, it worked. At least for now."
"That's pretty clever, Lieutenant."
"Why, thank you, sir."
"You idiot!" Paladin suddenly roared. "Aristee will bait me with your life."
"What was I supposed to do? Let 'em kill me? I don't think so. And why can't
she do the same thing with Blair?"
"She won't kill him he's half Pilgrim. Your presence may have already
compromised this mission."
"And what mission is that, sir ?"
Paladin sighed disgustedly and shambled back toward the cot. He flipped back
a stray lock of hair and sat, his expression returning to a tight mask of
"Hey, I didn't ask to be here," Maniac added. "You guys did. Mind telling me
Blair looked to Paladin, who shook his head.
"Hey, you guys eat yet?" Maniac continued. "The food any good? Or do these
Pilgrims eat only holy rice or some other bullshit?"
"Think you'd better sit down and find your own religion," Blair retorted.
"You'll need it now."
Voices echoed faintly in the distance, then wore off into the sound of
approaching footsteps.
"What now?" Paladin muttered. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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