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wouldn't be such a bad thing, not if he kept holding me like this.
 So when are you going to fuck me?
An Uncommon Whore 103
I struggled up enough to look at him, to see if he really meant it. His legs parted, and I
settled into the cradle of his pelvis, feeling his rigid cock against my slick belly.
 Right now, Grif. Right this fucking minute.
It would have been easier if he'd given me his back, but Griffin wanted to hold me in his
arms. He wanted to watch my face as I took him. He lay on his back, his legs parted wide while I
worked his tight hole with my oiled fingers.
He'd tolerated it well that first time, so I wasn't shy with him. I oiled his anus, his scrotum,
and his cock, making everything slick and wonderful. I fucked him with my finger till he grew
impatient for more. I rose onto my knees, dragging the tip of my glans into position.
 You know the routine, Grif. I couldn't help the shit-eating grin that I wore.
He nodded grimly.
 Relax. Take a deep breath, and let it out as I push.
He bore down as I pressed in, and I bit my lip, fighting my body's need to spasm into
climax as my cockhead breeched his muscular anus. He was hot and slick and powerfully tight. I
muffled a curse and pulled out, then pressed back in a bit deeper.
His eye was over bright. The expression on his face was slightly wild, and why not?
Griffin was challenging all of his preconceived notions about himself as a dominant male. He
was willingly participating in an act that made him vulnerable to pain, to unexpected pleasure,
and to the emotional storm that accompanied it.
I looped my arms under his legs, finally pressing in till the smooth skin of my groin kissed
his ass. Griffin gulped down a deep breath, his head finally dropping back to the pillow. He
swallowed hard; the muscles of his throat flexed beautifully.
I fondled his cock, and as I thrust gently into his ass, I smiled when I felt it twitch every
time I passed over his prostrate.
 Are you all right? Any pain?
He nodded jerkily, finally meeting my gaze.  Burns a bit. When I withdrew, I dribbled
more oil onto my cock.
He didn't answer; he simply nodded.
104 Belinda McBride
He was feeling it, the unexpected pleasure that came from being penetrated this way. His
cock dribbled a bit of precum; his scrotum was tightly drawn to his body. I lowered his legs and
leaned forward, covering his body with mine.
The oil and sweat made us slick, adding another layer to the tapestry of pleasure that we
were building.
The tension ebbed from his face, replaced by pleasure. His powerful arms encircled my
waist and hips. True to form, Griffin began to control my tempo, the angle at which I penetrated
his ass. He leaned up with a slight groan and caught my mouth in a searing kiss. I had no choice
but to follow where he led, and right now, he was chasing bliss. He was kissing my neck, my
chest, his sharp teeth catching my nipples, raising my urgency by the second.
There would be no teasing this time, no raising the bar only to lower it. His arousal
climbed, and I followed willingly. His panting breath caught. I felt the powerful clench of his
muscles on my cock, and his groan of release was deep and guttural. His semen jetted hard,
slipping between our already slick bodies. Feeling his seed on my skin was the last straw. White
light flashed into black starlight, and I came.
His hand clasped my ass as I bucked hard into his depths. He pulled me harder, deeper, and
all concerns for his comfort fled. He was big, powerful, and was flying on that burnished edge of
pain and pleasure. His body jerked again; this climax was dry and most likely painful in its
intensity. We finished together, moaning and panting, our union sealed in sweat and seed and the
blood that seeped from the scratches he'd furrowed into my skin.
Griffin hadn't needed to submit to prove that he loved me; I'd known from our first time
together. He'd needed to surrender to prove to himself that he could love, and be loved in return.
Griffin had never surrendered completely to his lovers, not even to Suzan. He'd always
held on to his control, and just now, Griffin's control had shredded.
The panting had become deep, chest-heaving sobs. He buried his face against my sweaty
chest and trembled. All I could do was be there, stroke that thick dark hair away from his
anguished face, and say nothing, because there was nothing to say.
Griffin had surrendered to me, and had found that he was still powerful, whole, and
An Uncommon Whore 105
Chapter Twelve
Before I was prepared, we fell out of ID space. For the first time, I saw the distant, hazy
blue image of the planet that was now my home.
It was not as blue as my old home, nor as large. Yet the rugged little planet held untold
riches and unimagined opportunity for those with courage and imagination. We did a preliminary
geo scan, mostly for my benefit. I found that the planet was indeed abundant in water; it was
mostly in underground lakes and aquifers trapped under granite shelves. The soil was balanced
and fertile; it needed only irrigation and seed to make it come alive. Granted, I might feel
differently once I set foot on the rocky surface, but nothing could be as ugly as the red dust of
We orbited and joined Carlotta's three ships. Within hours, four more ships joined us.
These were Griffin's men. More would arrive within the week, and dozens more were several
months' travel away. There was no docking station and no shuttle service, so we carefully
entered the atmosphere and cruised until we found a large plain that could accommodate all the
varied cruisers and ships. Griffin estimated that it was about a mile from the settlement and could
be expanded into a proper airfield as more ships arrived. Some would be too large to land, so we [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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