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The bastards came right through the best guards I could hire, and they could do it again, and there's
nothing I can do to keep myself from being murdered, and I can't press charges on some goddamned
ashes and a weird story that nobody, not even Bet, will believe.
Goddamn them, goddamn them!
Prest'n picked up the com. "Matin. This is Prest'n."
"Loy Kouro here."
"Yes, sir?"
"We're killing the Larix/Kura story."
The only answer he got was the click as Kouro disconnected.
"I'm not pleased," Celidon snapped. "Nor is the Protector."
"I hope it's not me," Njangu said, the quaver in his voice quite unforced.
"No, Yohns. You're one of the few people the Protector and I are thinking favorably of at this moment.
"Have you heard the tales of the Gray Avengers?"
"The who?"
"Neither has the head of state security, not the commander of the Protector's Own," Celidon said. "It
seems there are a certain number of soldiers how many and their duty assignments is still unclear
within the Protector's Own, who think Protestor's Justice will not suffice to deal with the bandits we
rounded up on Kura Four."
"That's absurd," Njangu said. "Dr. Miuss is ready to start the treatment in a day, now that the prisoners
are healthy enough not to die from the side effects of the drugs he's going to use. The trial after that will
be swift, sure, and deadly."
"I know that, the Protector knows that, but these half-wits seem intent on taking matters into their own
hands," Celidon snarled.
Njangu looked appropriately shocked.
"The Gray Avengers' intent," Celidon continued, "so the initial reports say, is to seize the prisoners after
the trial begins and peremptorily execute them in front of all the holos. Thus, supposedly, proving the
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Avengers' loyalty to the Protector.
"Of course, if they think that, they're truly foolish. The results of an action such as they plan can have a
very different effect. Should, say, there be problems or setbacks in the forthcoming war against Cumbre,
it would be very easy for the populace, properly instructed, to consider the gray Avengers the real spirit
of our worlds.
"Assuming they're ambitious, they might consider a coup, of course in the name of the Protector,
intended to take care of those lacklusters and ninnyhammers who don't support him to the hilt.
"No doubt certain people, such as Protector Red-ruth and myself, would be unfortunately killed during
such a rising, which would mean the cabal of Gray Avengers would be forced to take charge of the
government until the emergency's over.
"It's an interesting way to plot revolution. From within, not without, in the name of greater security for the
people and their greatest hero."
"They can't be that clever," Njangu said, "if you've gotten word of their plot."
"Just rumors, gossip so far," Celidon said. "But my agents are hard at work, within the palace itself.
Since the bandits committed their depredations on Kura Four, we're interrogating any of the palace staff
or the Protector's Own who came from that system."
"Why are you trusting me with this information?"
"Because, since you've more or less taken over the matter of these bandits, you might wish to check
your security even more thoroughly than you have."
Njangu walked to the window, looked out at the gray monotony of Larix Prime, appearing to think.
"Actually," he said, turning, "Iwouldrather steal the march on these conspirators, rather than patch the
leaking dike here, there." Yoshitaro thought, with a bit of pride, that his mixed metaphors were worthy of
the Protector himself.
"You suggest?"
"The prisoners are currently housed in the palace prison."
"It's the most secure facility on the planet."
"Not if there are conspirators inside the palace, as the rumor has it."
"True. So you want to move them? Where?"
"Dr. Miuss's sanitarium is very well guarded, and most secure," Njangu said, "since a great number of
the enemies of the Protector have been given to him for interrogation and treatment."
"And the sanitarium's not far from the Palace of Justice," Celidon mused. "But the passage between Dr.
Miuss's enclave and the Palace of Justice would be open for attack."
"Not necessarily. We move the prisoners to the sanitarium," Njangu explained. "We tell the Protector's
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Own they'll be responsible for the security between the court and the sanitarium, allow them to prepare
their positions and so forth.
"Then, when the prisoners have been softened up enough for the trial, we bring in conventional troops
for route security, and return the Protector's Own to their barracks. The Gray Avengers, assuming they
exist, will no doubt be plotting to make their strike against the Protector's Own, and their plans will be
"Mmmh," Celidon said, considering. "Not bad. Not bad at all. I suspect the Protector will be interested
in your suggestions."
"I hope so, sir."
"It appears we did well, bringing you away from Cumbre, Yohns."
"Thank you, sir." Njangu made an awkward salute, and left Celidon's office.
Very good, he thought.Very, very goddamned good. That gossip Maev picked must've cornered every
fool with an eardrum to drop the tale about the ever-so-patriotic, never-to-be-found conspirators. Just as
Njangu had hoped.
Now we've got the prisoners out in the open, where it'll be easier to lift them, away from that
goddamned unbustable jail they're in now.
"Commander Celidon says that you had some interesting thoughts on matters that shouldn't be
discussed," Protector Redruth said.
"I'd hoped you'd find them such, sir," Njangu said.
"I did, indeed, and your suggestions will be implemented. Also, my current head of security has proven
himself unqualified by his ignorance of this matter, and must be replaced. I propose you for the post."
"Why& why, thank you, sir," Njangu managed. "But may I ask a favor?"
Redruth frowned.
"Could my appointment wait until after these raiders have been dealt with? I think I have the situation
well in hand with them, and Dr. Miuss and I are working well together. It would take a bit of time to
familiarize a new official with the way you want the matter handled."
Redruth thought, then nodded.
"Good thinking, Yohns. Finish one task before you start a second, as I always say. With you on top of
matters, the bandits will soon become the public example I've promised."
"You almost got too canny for your own good," Maev snickered, turning off the sweep and tucking it in
the dresser drawer. Both she and Njangu had become very adept at constantly checking for bugs,
changing sweeps regularly, and never talking openly in a room with any sort of electronic device. Their
bedroom bugs were fed taped harmless conversations, sex scenes, or snoring when matters of real
importance had to be discussed.
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"No shiteedah," Njangu agreed, collapsing on the bed. "Teach me to be that efficient and almost get [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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