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through the captain.
 Oh, Folsom said.  But, then, what was so important about Tiho telling me . . . ?
 Come, we ve stayed in one place out in the open for far too long. I know of a
friendly hotel near here. We ll go there and I ll contact the police, and we ll get you to
Folsom wasn t finished with questions he wanted to ask, but Ralf was obviously
finished with answers he wanted to provide out here in the open on Neuemarket Platz.
He threw down some euros on the table and pulled Folsom out through an entrance that
was on a different street than the one they had entered from.
A short walk of a couple of blocks and they were in another small square, and
Ralf guided Folsom into a hotel entrance with the name Marsil over the door. Ralf
offered another wad of euro notes to a man at the reception desk, evidently enough to
keep the man from asking for the requisite passports to be registered. The man handed
Ralf and key and they were on their way up the elevator.
In the elevator, Ralf put an arm around Folsom and drew him close and kissed
him on the ear.  I ve been wanting to get close to this for some time, I ll have to admit,
he said in a hoarse whisper.  I think I can find something for us to do while we re waiting
for the police escort.
As soon as they entered the room, Ralf pushed Folsom up against the wall next
to the door and covered his face and neck with kisses while he unbuttoned his shirt and
fanned his palms on Folsom s heaving pecs. He moved his lips down to Folsom s
nipples and his hands down Folsom s belly and onto his basket. He was stroking
Folsom s prick to life through the material of his pants.
Folsom gasped and pushed Ralf away.
 You want it, I know you do. I can feel it in your body, Ralf was saying in a soft,
yet hard-edged voice.  You want me to do you as much as I want to do you.
 Let me shower first, Folsom pleaded.  Let me wash this death off of me first.
Then we ll fuck.
 Fine. I ll call the police while you re showering, Ralf said.  But I ll tell them we
won t be here for another hour and a half. They should give us time to become well
Folsom moved into the bathroom and turned the shower on full blast and as hot
as he could take it. He stripped and stood under the pulsating water for a long time,
trying to wash the death of Tiho off him and to come to terms with what was happening
in his life. He didn t feel horny, which was a first for him although he knew he would
have no trouble accommodating Ralf and giving Ralf a good time. He just felt empty and
dead. Is that what this came down too? He d come to Germany to kill Meister for
murdering his partner and lover, and Meister was dead. Big deal he hadn t been the one
to kill him. He d gotten what he deserved. And Folsom bore no grudges against Roman
for having killed Meister. Roman was under no threat from Folsom, and he damn well
should know that. All of this manhunting business was unnecessary nonsense just a
meaningless misunderstanding. Life itself was meaningless. It had been meaningless
since he had lost Brad Roberts.
At last Folsom left the shower and toweled off and padded out to the bedroom in
the nude. Ralf had also stripped down to his shorts and both of them sucked in their
breath, thrilled at the sight of the other. Folsom did feel a little horny now. Ralf was a
real hunk. He s been very satisfying the first time he had taken Folsom hard and rough,
and he was just as desirable now.
 Called the police? Folsom asked.
 Yes. They should be here in a bit over an hour now. You took your time in the
 But I m here now.
 Yes, you re here now. And it was worth the wait. Come here. Come to me.
Folsom did as Ralf directed. He liked to be dominated. He was ready to slip into
that role. He wanted Ralf to take care of him. To take him hard. To make him forget if
at least only for a few moments of orgiastic death if that was possible.
Ralf wrapped his arms around Folsom and rubbed skin against skin from pecs to
thighs. He kissed Folsom deeply on the lips and then sat him down on the end of the
bed, sank to his knees, and began giving Folsom head. Folsom sighed and moaned
and ran his hands through Ralf s blond hair for a short while. After a bit, he lay back and
spread his legs and tilted his pelvis up to give Ralf ready access to his asshole with his
fingers and mouth.
Ralf took advantage of Folsom s gesture, but after giving him some intense
attention, alternating between Folsom s tool and his asshole, Ralf stood and pushed
Folsom up on the bed. Folsom got the message and moved up until he was stretched
full length on the bedspread. Ralf slipped off his briefs and came up onto the bed on his
knees, straddling, Folsom s calves. He bent down and took Folsom s prick in his mouth
again and sucked and pumped him there, taking time out to lick and pull at Folsom s
balls with his teeth.
Folsom was moaning and moving under Ralf, gently stroking up into his soft
mouth, reaching release, exploding in a death by ejaculation. How often he had done
this with Brad. Folsom was thinking of Brad as his hips jerked for a second time and he
released a second spouting of cum. Ralf s finger pushed into Folsom s ass, finding the
prostate, and Folsom died again. Never-ending ejaculation. Getting closer to death,
closer to Brad. Heaven.
Maybe closer than he thought.
Chapter 13
A Half-Sought Ending
Ralf took in Folsom s ejaculate in his mouth and, briefly, rose up Folsom s body
and merged their lips, sharing the saltiness of Folsom s prodigious manhood. He then
moved back down Folsom s torso with his moist lips, kissing his way back to the very
center of Folsom, and licked his cock clean.
The two were panting, both keyed up, both wanting more. Ralf moved his
encasing knees farther up Folsom s body again now, wrapping their cocks together with
an encasing fist and stroking them together as he worked Folsom s nipples with his lips
and teeth. Folsom murmured his approval and flung his arms around Ralf s head and
held him close.
This wasn t the same Ralf who had ravished him earlier, the one who had bulled
his way into Folsom s cabin and thrust inside him and pumped him hard with no
preparation. Folsom liked both versions of Ralf. This is what Brad had done for him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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