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hidden inside which is not moving? Movement is impossible without something unmoving within it.
A wheel moves, but the center of the wheel remains unmoving; it moves on that unmoving center. If you
see only the wheel you have seen the half, and the half is very dangerous. And if, in your mind, you make
the half the whole, then you have fallen into the illusory world of concepts.
You love a person; you never see that hate is hidden within your love. It is there; whether you like it or
not is not the question. Whenever you love, hate is present there -- the opposite pole -- because love cannot
exist without hate. It is not a question of your liking. It is so.
Love cannot exist without hate; you love the person and the same person you hate. But the mind can see
only one. When mind sees love, it ceases to see the hate; when hate comes up, when the mind is clinging to
hate, it ceases to see love. And if you want to go beyond mind, you have to see both together -- both the
extremes, both the opposites.
It is just like a pendulum of a clock. The pendulum goes to the right; all that is visible is that the
pendulum is going to the right, but there is something invisible also. And that is that while the pendulum is
moving towards the right it is gaining momentum to go to the left. That is not so visible, but soon you will
Once it has touched the extreme, the pendulum starts moving to the opposite polarity; it goes to the left.
And it goes to the same extent to the left as it went to the right. While moving to the left, again you can be
deceived. You will see it is moving to the left, but already deep within it is gathering energy to move to the
While you love you are gathering energy to hate; while you hate you are gathering energy to love. While
you are alive you are gathering energy to die, and when you are dead you will gather energy to be reborn.
If you see only life then you will miss. See death hidden everywhere in life! And if you can see that
death is hiding in life, then you can see the reverse also: that in death life is hidden. Then both the polarities
disappear. When you see them in their togetherness, simultaneously, with that your mind also disappears.
Why? Because mind can only be partial, it can never be whole.
What will you do if you see hate hidden in love? If you see love hidden in hate, what will you choose
then? Choice will become impossible, because if you see, "I choose love," you also see you are choosing
hate. And how can a lover choose hate?
You can choose because the hate is not apparent to you. You had chosen love, and then you think by
some accident hate has happened. But the moment you choose love, you have chosen hate. The moment you
cling to life, you are clinging to death. Nobody wants to die -- then don't cling to life, because life is leading
towards death.
Life exists in polarities and mind exists in one part of the polarity; that's why mind is false. And mind
tries to make that one part the whole. Mind says, "l love this man or this woman and I simply love. How can
I hate this woman? When I love, I love; hate is impossible."
Mind appears logical but it is wrong. If you love, hate IS possible; hate is possible only if you love. You
cannot hate a person without loving him; you cannot make an enemy without making him first your friend.
They go together, they are just like two aspects of a coin. You look at one aspect, the other is hidden behind
-- but the other is there, always waiting. And the more you move to the left, the more you are getting ready
to move to the right.
What will happen if the mind can see both together? Mind is not possible, because then the whole thing
becomes so absurd, illogical. Mind can live only in a logical frame, clear-cut, the opposite denied. You say,
"This is my friend and that is my enemy." You can never say, "This is my friend and my enemy." If you say
it things become illogical. And if you allow illogical things to enter they shatter mind completely -- mind
When you look at the absurdity of life of the way life moves through contradictions, the way life lives
through opposites, you have to drop the mind. The mind needs clear cut demarcations and life has none. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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