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outline that you fill in the blanks. Part of that is you find where the
blanksare ."
"Herzer," Megan said, gently. "You're getting so wrapped up in this you're
practically spinning. Tell Meredith what you need and then take a break."
"You're right," Herzer said, shaking his head. "Thank you. We still need more
staff. I'll put Van Krief in charge of setting up the operations order,
probably Destrang in charge of keeping us updated on intel and Tao will be
general runner. And I can use him as a spotter when Bue's not available. But I
need them soonest, by tomorrow preferably."
"Why don't you and Meredith go work it out," Megan said.
"Oh, and Mike and Courtney may be coming over this evening," Herzer added. "I
sent a message to their hotel. And I'm meeting with someone, here, at four."
"Okay," Megan sighed. "I guess I should have run you over to the War
Department when I had a chance, huh?"
"Sorry," Herzer said, standing up. "Meredith, if you have a moment?"
"Of course, Major," Meredith said, coldly.
Megan picked up a slice of cheese and took a bite, frowning.
"Megan," Shanea said. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure," Megan replied.
"Are you and Herzer..." Shanea furrowed her brow in thought and then said:
Megan flinched and then swallowed the cheese.
"Can I borrow him?" Shanea asked. "I mean, have youseen him? He glows! And
he's got the most enormous..."
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"Shanea!" Megan said, sharply.
"Pects...." Shanea drifted off. "Please? Just for a few minutes? Hours? A
couple of days at the most? You're not using it and I haven't..."
"Shanea," Megan sighed. "No. A definite no." She stopped and thought for a
moment then shook her head. "It wouldn't work, Shanea. Really. Don't do this
to me, please."
"You're so mean!" Shanea spat, standing up. "You're worse than...Christel,"
she added, storming out of the room.
Megan set down the rest of the cheese uneaten, dropped her face into her
hands and sighed.
"You look like hell, dearie," Mirta said.
"Did you catch any of that?" Megan said from inside her hands.
"Most of it," Mirta replied. "I'm surprised it took this long for them all to
start panting."
"All?" Megan said, sitting up and looking at her poisonously.
"Open your eyes, Megan," Mirta said, sharply. "All."
"Ashley?" Megan spat. She and Ashley had not gotten along in the harem
initially. When Megan arrived Ashley was the unspoken leader of the girls and
could be, and was, poisonous to the point of sadism. They had arrived at a
truce only after Megan had more or less beaten her half to death. Without any
marks. The truce had lasted well enough but now a stab of pure jealousy shot
through her at the thought of the tall, gorgeous blonde and Herzer.
"And Meredith," Mirta said.
"Meredith ?" Megan snapped, looking at the corridor to the office and
weight-room. "Meredith?" she repeated, shaking her head. "She never so much
as...shehates men!"
"Oh, she's getting over it," Mirta said, pouring some wine and sipping at it.
"Quickly. I suppose it was the sudden change in him that caused it. He was,
face it, more or less cooling his heels at your beck and call. More of a kept
man than a soldier for the last few months. Give him a mission, especially one
where he knows he has to be in tip-top shape, and he turns into
"I've seen it, too," Megan said, biting her lip. "Was it that bad? I knew
there was something...different. He was different on the ship."
"He's a caged bird here," Mirta said, shaking her head. "You know what that's
like. He's in the cage of his own will, but the bars are there nonetheless.
But now, he sees the cage opening. A tough mission, a command? He's in heaven.
And the bulging...muscles don't hurt. Meredith, poor, poor soul, has to be in
there with him as he builds up thoserippling muscles, grunting and sweating
with all thosehuge weights, pumping away..."
"Enough," Megan said, gritting her teeth. "I get the picture."
"And of course, he's giving off enough signals of blue balls to fell a mare
at a hundred paces," Mirta pointed out.
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"Not you, too?" Megan said, sadly.
"Oh, I'm a bit beyond the game, dearie," Mirta said, laughing. "But it
doesn't mean I can't look!" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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