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Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984, Volume 3, Michel
ends. New York & London: W.W. Norton & Co. (Expanded
Foucault: Power.. London: Penguin, pp 326-348. Books
from original work published 1989.)
(Original interview published 1982.)
White, M. 1992:  Deconstruction and therapy. In Epston, D. &
Foucault, M. 2000d:  The ethics of the concern of the self as a
White, M. Experience, contradiction, narrative and
practice of freedom. In Rabinow, P. (ed). Essential works of
imagination: selected papers of David Epston and Michael
Foucault 1954-1984, Volume 1, Michel Foucault: Ethics,
White 1989-1991. (Originally published 1991).
subjectivity and truth. London: Penguin Books, pp 281-301.
White, M. 1995:  Reflecting teamwork as definitional ceremony .
(Original interview recorded 1984.)
In White, M. Re-authoring lives: Interviews and essays.
Foucault, M. 2000e:  An interview with Michel Foucault .
Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications.
In Faubion, J. (ed). Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984,
White, M. 1997: Narratives of therapists lives. Adelaide: Dulwich
Volume 3, Michel Foucault: Power. London: Penguin Books,
Centre Publications.
pp 239-299. (Original work interview conducted 1978.)
White, M. 2000a:  Reflecting teamwork as definitional ceremony
Foucault, M. 2000f:  So is it important to think? In Faubion, J.
revisited. In White, M. Reflections on narrative practice.
(ed). Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984, Volume 3,
Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications, pp. 59-88.
Michel Foucault: Power. London: Penguin Books, pp 454-
458. (Original interview conducted 1981.)
White, M. 2000b:  On ethics and the spiritualities of the surface.
In White, M. Reflections on narrative practice. Adelaide:
Foucault, M. 2000g:  What is Enlightenment? In Rabinow, P. (ed).
Dulwich Centre Publications, pp.129-160.
Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984, Volume 1, Michel
Foucault: Ethics, subjectivity and truth (pp. 303-319).
White, M. 2000c:  Re-engaging with history: the absent but
London: Penguin Books. (Original published 1984.)
implicit. In White, M. Reflections on narrative practice.
Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications, pp. 35-58.
Foucault, M. 2000h:  Polemics, politics and problematizations. In
Rabinow, P. (ed). Essential works of Foucault 1954-1984,
White, M. 2002:  Addressing personal failure. The International
Volume 1, Michel Foucault: Ethics, subjectivity and truth
Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work. 2002 no.
(pp. 111-120). London: Penguin Books. (Original interview
3, pp. 33-76.
recorded 1984.)
White, M. 2003:  Narrative Practice and community assignments .
Freedman, J. & Combs, G. 2001:  Bringing forth the poetry in
The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and
 little sacraments of daily existence  . Paper presented at
Community Work. 2003 no. 2, pp. 17-55.
the International Narrative Therapy and Community Work
White, M. 2004: Narrative therapy and exotic lives. Adelaide:
Conference, Adelaide, Australia, February, 2001.
Dulwich Centre Publications.
Freeman, J.C., Epston D. & Lobovits, D. 1997: Playful approaches
Williams, C. 1996 October: Identity, difference and the other: a
to serious problems: narrative therapy with children and
genealogical investigation of lesbian feminism, the  sex
their families. New York: W.W. Norton.
wars and beyond. Doctoral thesis, University of Western
Haraway, D. 1991: Simians, cyborgs and women: the reinvention
Sydney, Nepean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
of nature. London: Free Association Books.
McNay, L. 1992: Foucault and feminism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Richardson, L. 2002:  The poetic representation of interviews. In
Gubrium, J. & Holstein, J. (Eds). Handbook of interview research:
context and method. U.S.A: Sage Publications, pp. 877-891.
Rose, N. 2000a:  Power and subjectivity: critical history and
psychology. Academy for the study of psychoanalytic arts.
http://www.academyanalyticarts.org/ rose1.html
The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work
2004 No.4 www.dulwichcentre.com.au [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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