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His voice was deep, gravelly, and her body jerked in response. She felt like a slut, reacting
strongly to a man she didn t even know while in the arms of a man she did know and care about.
But it seemed as if Austin only wanted to urge her on, encouraging her to go further.
He gave Michaela a nudge on her shoulder.  Do it, babe.
She turned to look at him, saw that he was studying her carefully.  You think so?
 Tickle her with it, the man suggested.  She loves that.
 Does she know? Michaela waved her hand at the woman, who laid quietly on the bed, though
her body quivered in anticipation.
 She knows you re here, yes. She likes to be watched. The man paused, his eyes darkening.  Do
you like to be watched?
 I like to watch, she said.
 She likes both, Austin said for her.
The man s gaze met Austin s.  May she play with us?
Michaela s gaze flickered from Austin to the man, shocked at the way he asked for Austin s
permission. As if Austin was indeed her master and she needed his approval before she could go and
Wow. This was heady stuff. She had no clue what she d gotten herself involved in but this had
turned into the most sexually adventurous twenty-four hours of her life.
 If she wants to. He removed his hand from her thigh and she immediately missed the connection.
 Do you want to?
 Yes. She nodded.  I do.
Taking the flogger from the man, Michaela approached the bed, stood at the foot of it. The musky
scent of the woman s arousal was strong and Michaela stared at her pussy, the way her skin gleamed
with cream, her lower lips puffy with need.
Michaela twirled the flogger this way and that, finally letting the leather tails drop upon the
woman s cunt. She drifted it back and forth, the soft black leather contrasting against the pink of the
woman s flesh. Michaela s pussy grew even wetter as she continued, running the flogger along the
inside of the woman s thighs, across her knees.
The woman giggled, twisting against Michaela s touch, and the man crouched down so he was eye
level with Michaela. His expression serious, he said,  Fuck her with it.
Michaela almost dropped the flogger to the floor.  Excuse me?
 Fuck her with it, like I did. With the handle. The man reached for her, swiped his index finger
against the woman s clit and she nearly shot off the bed.  She s so close. She needs the release before
we continue. Will you do her the favor?
She couldn t believe this. He wanted her to fuck this woman with the handle of the flogger? Could
she do this?
Austin approached, stood on the other side of her, and she glanced up to find him staring down at
her, his expression stormy, his mouth tight.  Do you want to?
 I don t know, she answered honestly.
 Suck his cock while you fuck her with it, the man suggested. Michaela whirled around to stare at
him.  I d like to watch. I d like to invite the both of you to join us.
Austin rubbed his hand across his erection, and she knew he liked that idea. What man wouldn t?
Of course, putting on a show for this man, a man she didn t know but found arousing, sexy, would be
And exciting. Terribly, terribly exciting.
 Please, the woman whimpered from the bed and all three of them startled at the sound of her
voice. She hadn t spoken all night, but she must ve broke because once she started she didn t want to
stop.  Please fuck me. I m begging you.
She continued her soft begging and the man comforted her, rubbing the inside of her thighs, tapping
her clit with his finger. He took the flogger from Michaela and flipped it so she held the bundle of
leather straps, and she pushed it toward the woman s open pussy, her hand shaking.
She was nervous. She d never done something like this in her life, certainly had never been with a
woman before in such a sexual manner. And she didn t want to hurt this woman, didn t want to screw
it up.
Austin worked his belt buckle then the fly of his jeans, the unmistakable zipping sound loud, nearly
making Michaela jump. She gazed up at him, saw the passion clouding his beautiful blue eyes and she
wanted to make sure this was what he wanted.
 You don t mind? She waved her hand around, the flogger slapping against the inside of her arm
when she did so and she gave a little hiss of pleasure at the contact.
 My fantasy is giving you what you want, Austin whispered, his voice low, husky and melting her
from the inside out.  And if this is what you want then I want to give it to you.
His words gave her strength. The man took Michaela s hand and guided it toward the woman s
pussy. He wrapped his hand over Michaela s, urging her to rub the handle across her folds, and
Michaela did, marveling at the way the woman arched and mewled, her body seeming to go crazy
even though she was completely restrained.
 Fuck her, the man murmured.
 Yes, fuck me, the woman cried.
Slowly, Michaela rubbed the handle back and forth against the woman s pussy. She circled her
clit, slid the handle down, nudging her folds before she finally, slowly thrust it inside the woman s
welcoming body.
Frantically Michaela grabbed at the waistband of Austin s jeans, her fingers curling in the
waistband of his boxer briefs. The faint trail of black hair that led from his belly button downward
tickled her knuckles and she yanked on the opening of the jeans, suddenly eager to get inside.
He stepped closer, making it easier for Michaela to lick the head of his cock, all the while easing
the flogger handle in and out of the woman s body. The man had long let go of the handle, sitting back
on his haunches to watch everything take place.
It was difficult, hard to maneuver the handle and lick Austin s cock. She wrapped her hand around
him, stroking his thick length up and down in the same rhythm she fucked the woman. Her pussy
dripped with cream, coating the very inside of her thighs, and she wished she could touch herself.
But her hands were occupied.
The man came forward, his head dipping close to his woman s pussy and he breathed deep, a
smile on his handsome face. His features were stark, strong nose and jaw, high cheekbones and firm
lips, completely different from Austin but handsome nonetheless. His eyes met hers, dark and
foreboding, and she licked her lips, unable to help herself.
He growled and buried his face against the woman s pussy, his tongue lashing out to lick at her
clit before sucking it in between his lips. Michaela continued the fucking and the stroking, her gaze
lifting to meet Austin s, and she watched his hips thrust, the clear drops of fluid seeping from the head
of his cock.
She let go of the handle and the man took over, pumping it repeatedly within the woman. Michaela
turned her full attention to Austin, pulling him into her mouth. His salty sweet essence dissolved on
her tongue and she sucked vigorously, drawing him deeper.
Wanting more, wanting all of him, she needed that exquisite power of making him come in her
mouth. Increasing her efforts, ecstasy bloomed within her when she heard Austin s strangled groan.
His fingers threaded through her hair, controlling her movements, slowing her down. She gazed up at
him, saw the desire and the want and something else, a flicker of emotion that called to something
deep within her.
Seeing it made her pause and she withdrew from him, gazing up at him in wonder. He pushed back
her hair with gentle fingers, the heat in his eyes warming her, and she wrapped her hand around the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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