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member does not wish to be controlled. There is always the option of
Despite Isaac s attempts at removing chairmanship of the Council quitting, both in ADF and/or mainstream religions.
of Dalon Ap Landu from Carleton and later a Provisional Council The RDNA is not entirely  innocent of the danger of Priests
of Archdruids; most of the Reformed Druids (including the NRDNA) potentially dominating the religious congregation, because the Third
were still allied to the Council of Dalon Ap Landu as governed by Order could technically impose oppressive dogma, but the tradition
Carleton. Because of Carleton s rapid and total membership turn- of unanimity hinders such possible imposition on an organizational
over and eternally young Archdruids (always under 23 years old); level, although it could easily happen on the local level. Such an
there was little hope of  mature and bureaucratically competent lead- event could occur by the RDNA s priest being given greater powers
ership for the Council. Besides this, the Carleton Archdruid (and a in the grove s constitution or by  levering techniques, like the deci-
major chunk of the Carleton alumni members of the Council) was, sion of the Archdruid or any priest refusing to grant initiation or
for a long time, poorly cognizant of the religious beliefs and needs of refusing to hold services. That method is only currently restricted by
the Neo-Pagan members of the Reformed Druids living on the West the tradition to initiate any who comes forward and asks for initia-
Coast and elsewhere. tion. No special knowledge or conditions were required of the ini-
One of the first things Isaac did was to become life-long, supreme tiate, it was on the honor system, if you felt ready then you were
Archdruid of the whole ADF organization.264 As you can read in the ready. So in effect the RDNA had no control or educational require-
ADF By-laws in the Part Four of ARDA, the Archdruid was given ment on who became its leaders (i.e. the Third Order) and no need
rather extensive powers for the appointment of bureaucrats, to influ- to worry, because the Third Order had no real, effective power or
ence legislation and to veto or to remove problems. The office of authority to wield. It was very cleverly planned that way. In fact within
Archdruid becomes accountable to electionary influence beginning the RDNA, many priests tell me that the aspirants to and attainers of
with his successor, but Isaac is sure to massively influence the forma- the Third Order could very well themselves be considered failures at
tive years of the group s history. As you can further read, there are Druidism, because they seek to take part in  organization.
elected positions to the legislative offices; the ability to vote is not a The RDNA s system would not satisfy the ADF, which wished a
right of office like in the RDNA priesthood, it s a privilege granted to clergy that could be like the  mainstream religions with equally well
the general members (except when some are selected as in the board  trained clergy. A well-educated clergy would go a long way in currying
of Trustees). This privilege is not only granted, but it s effectiveness respect from monotheistic clerical faiths. Indeed, one of the corner-
increases with the length of time you stay active in legislation; no stones of the ADF is its seminary program, which is quite impressively
more sitting back and occasionally vetoing every 10 years or so. Ev- organized on paper in comparison with other Neo-Pagan systems cur-
ery year in consistent attendance at legislating increased the number rently out there. It is designed to produce a group of informed,  liberal
of votes you could cast; which implies that experience in ADF affairs arts-ish trainied clergy by the end of its 13 track program. Each of the
makes you a more competent voter than a new-comer. This position 13 tracks is a different area of learning including:
has its advantages and drawbacks, of course. 1. Physical Health and Survival, 2. Therapy and Counseling, 3. Com-
Furthermore in the voting on issues affecting all groves, the deci- munication, 4. Magic and Divination, 5. History and Social Sciences,
sions are made by quorums, not unanimity like in the RDNA. The 6. Natural Sciences, 7. Movement awareness and Discipline, 8. Ar-
wishes of the majority override those of the minority. In the RDNA, tistic and Bardic Skills, 9. Drama and Liturgy, 10. Philosophy and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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