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telling her she hated him anyway so he might as well make the most of
it. Of his annoyingly effortless strides on the road as he jogged beside
her. She hated to admit it, but rain hadn t been the only reason her
motivation for jogging had deserted her lately.
Jogging made her miss KD.
Sami Lee
Kelsey whirled around, drinks in hand, to come to face-to-face with
Stefan. Ginger ale sloshed out of the glasses, spilling down the front of
her cream blouse.
Fiercely apologetic, Stefan grabbed a napkin off the bar and moved to
dab at the stain. His actions brought his hand much too close to her
breast, but with her hands full she couldn t do much to stop him.  It s
fine, Stefan. I m heading home shortly and I ll soak it.
 I m sorry. I shouldn t have startled you. He looked into her face for
the first time, an awkward moment passing between them. It was the
first time they had spoken since the night in his car when she d ended
their relationship. Kelsey cleared her throat.  No harm done.
Stefan made a throat-clearing sound of his own.  How have you
 Fine. Of course, she wasn t fine. Her love life was a god-awful mess,
but she hardly wanted to get into it with Stefan. Besides, she had other
things demanding her attention like the fact that Stefan s hand still
hovered in the general vicinity of her chest.  Do you suppose you
could  she glanced pointedly at his hand  give me a little room?
 You heard her. You want to take a step back there, Stan?
With a start, Kelsey turned. She d know that distinctive lilt anywhere
and only one man would presume to be so peremptory where she was
He d had a hair cut, the thick mass clipped close to his neck where it
used to curl over his shirt collar. He wore the perennial cotton T-shirt, in
white this evening, and blue jeans. He also wore an expression of calm
menace, which he directed squarely at Stefan.
Kelsey doubted Stefan had ever had a glare quite that threatening
directed at him before. He wasn t the type to get into pub brawls with
other men over a woman. KD, on the other hand, was another story. He
looked like he wanted to drop Stefan where he stood, and she wouldn t
put it past him to do it.
 Stan was just trying to help, Kelsey said, trying to diffuse the
Born Again Virgin
Both men stared at her. KD appeared about as impressed with her as
he was with Stefan. And Stefan seemed as stunned as the proverbial
She directed her gaze toward Stefan. He was much easier to deal
with.  Why are you staring at me like that?
 You called me Stan.
 No, I didn t.
 Yes, he said, a little huffily.  You did.
 You sure did, sugar. You said Stan, as clear as day.
Kelsey sent KD a menacing glower of her own, to which he reacted by
tilting his lips in grim amusement.
 Thank you. I m not crazy, am I? Stefan turned to Kelsey, opened his
mouth to speak, but no words came out. His brows drew together in a
frown before he swung back to KD.  Did you just call her sugar?
 Hey, I hate to break up this little&  Gabby s voice trailed off as she
glanced from Kelsey to Stefan, then to KD before her eyes settled back on
Kelsey.  Whatever it is. But I have to get going.
Bless you, Gabby. She must have seen her anguished demeanor from
across the pub and come to save her.  No problem. I ll come with you.
Looking down at her hands Kelsey realized they were still clutching
the now half-empty glasses of ginger ale. She turned to deposit them on
the bar.
 Kelsey, come on. I need to leave now.
Talk about going out of your way to help a friend. She wanted to at
least look like she wasn t in a huge rush to escape.  Hold your horses,
Gab, Kelsey said under her breath.  I ve still got to get my fish 
 Screw the fish!
That response got her attention. For the first time Kelsey realized how
flushed Gabby was, as though she had been running five miles. She
hadn t looked like that when they d met in the street.
Her friend s hand clutched at the sleeve of KD s T-shirt, her other
grasping her stomach.  I ve really& got to& goooo!
Sami Lee
Gabby s wail had Stefan s attention, as well.  What in blazes is
 Oh my God, Kelsey breathed in comprehension.  Gabby, are you in
She pushed out a long, harsh sigh.  Brilliant deduction, Watson.
 This is no time to be snide, Gab. I thought you were having Braxton-
Hicks contractions.
 I was wrong. You want to argue with me about this?
Gabby s expression was enough to intimidate Kelsey into action.
 Heck, no. Have you called Paul?
Gabby shook her head.  My battery s& dead. She puffed up her
cheeks and began breathing in short panting breaths.  Kelsey& 
 Okay, okay. Someone has to get her to the hospital.
 Kelsey& my car seats are leather& 
Kelsey barely heard Stefan s anxious words. His wasn t the gaze she
sought. Her rising alarm called her to seek assistance from the one man
who wouldn t fall apart in the frenzied situation. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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