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shut-him-the-hell-up kiss. At first Brody was
unresponsive and kept his mouth clamped tightly
shut. Then Chauncey gave his bottom lip a not-so-
gentle love bite and Brody became cooperative in
record time.
He let out a gasp that soon became muffled as
Chauncey thrust his tongue inside his mouth.
Brody wrapped his arms around Chauncey s
shoulders and eagerly began to return the kiss.
 Fuck, I ve missed you, Chauncey confessed
between kisses.
He continued to stroke Brody s cock, loving
how it elicited the most delicious sounds from the
Brody even let out a couple of whimpers before
he replied,  Missed you, too.
 Then why the hell didn t you answer the damn
phone when I called?
Chauncey let go of Brody s cock and reached
for the lube. Cracking it open, Chauncey slicked
his fingers up.
 Because I didn t want your pity. I heard you and
Kiefer talking the other day. I didn t want you to
think you had to be with me because you felt sorry
for me over all the crap life has thrown at me.
Sliding one finger inside Brody s ass,
Chauncey briefly closed his eyes as he savored
the tightness of his brat.  I feel a lot of things for
you, Brody, but none of them are pity.
 Really. Chauncey added another finger,
marveling at how easily Brody opened for him.
Almost as if they had been made for each other.
Maybe that was because they d i d belong
together and maybe, deep down, Chauncey had
always known that. Because, despite the fact that
Brody may drive him crazy and make him so
frustrated that he wanted to tear out his hair,
Chauncey couldn t imagine life without him.
 The other day when you told me that you
weren t looking for that special somebody, did
you really mean it?
Brody shook his head, frustration evident on his
face.  Really? We re going to discuss this now?
Can t we just fuck?
Chauncey thrust in a third finger, curling them
so they brushed against Brody s prostate. Brody
let out a cry of passion so loud it probably carried
over to the other room.  If you want me to fuck you,
you better answer me. I could easily get up and
leave right now.
 You wouldn t dare. Brody s eyes grew large
with alarm.
 We both know I would. Chauncey pulled out
his fingers and waited patiently for Brody s
After nibbling on his bottom lip for a moment,
Brody finally said,  Maybe I m not looking
because I already found him.
The fear lurking in Brody s gaze spoke volumes
to Chauncey. Yes, his little medic really did care
and was just scared as hell of being hurt again.
Chauncey knew then he had to do everything in
his power to prove that he was worth the risk.
Leaning down he gave Brody a long, slow kiss.
 I m scared, too. I ve never felt this way about
somebody. But I know if we don t take the chance,
we ll both regret it for the rest of our lives.
Brody s eyes grew moist with emotion.  What if
I end up disappointing you?
Chauncey gave him another tender kiss.
 Babe, that s not possible. Nothing you do can
ever change the way I feel about you.
 You do realize that I m probably still going to
drive you crazy? A day isn t going to go by where
we won t fight.
 I m counting on it.
That finally got Chauncey a smile. Brody let out
a soft laugh.  Life sure won t be dull.
 No, it won t and I m going to love every minute
of it, too.
Brody swallowed hard before saying,  Me, too.
Happiness flooded Chauncey.  So does that
mean you re going to give us a chance?
 Only if you ll make love to me right now. I m so
horny, I think I m going to bust if you don t get
inside me soon.
Chauncey chuckled.  We can t have that. It
would be rude to make a big mess in Forrest s
guest room.
He reached for the condom and handed it to
Brody.  Put it on me.
With shaking fingers, Brody grabbed the
wrapper and ripped it open. Taking out the
condom, he clumsily slipped it on Chauncey, his
fingers leaving behind the most delicious tingles
as they skimmed over Chauncey s length.
 There, it s on. Now fuck me already, Brody
ordered loudly.
 Now who s being bossy?
Chauncey added more slick to his cock before
he lined the tip to Brody s opening. Brody s lids
fluttered shut, but Chauncey was having none of
that.  Look at me while I take you.
Brody slowly opened his eyes. The emotions
lingering there were so raw, it clawed at
Chauncey s heart.  I promise, I ll never let you
After making that vow, Chauncey thrust inside
Brody with one hard move. Brody screamed his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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