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wrapping around it. Seb reached down and stilled Jared s hand.  Sleep, babe. There will be
plenty of time to play later.
 But you didn t& 
 Shhh, I m fine. Surprisingly, he was. Had he ever felt satisfied simply by giving a
lover pleasure without expecting something in return?
Seb continued to think about it long after Jared had fallen asleep. He wasn t sure what it
meant, but he had a sneaking suspicion.
* * * *
Seb sat naked on his bed, surrounded by the letters Rick had sent Jared. He tried to
keep his anger aimed at Rick. Although he wished Jared would have shown them to him
when he d received them, he couldn t imagine how scared his lover had been.
SEB S SURRENDER Carol Lynne 49
 Is this all of them? he finally asked.
The letter describing in detail what Rick planned to do to Jared when he got out of jail
still had Seb s skin crawling. They were definitely not the writings of a sane man.  We have
to give these to Detective Long.
Jared nodded.  I know.
 We should also go down to Lubbock so you can file charges against Bill for rape and
Jared nodded again. He hadn t looked up from petting a sleeping Jelly Bean since he d
handed Seb the letters.  Do you think they ll let me get into my house?
 Why wouldn t they?
 Because Rick had the landlord take my name off and put his on instead. After he
showed up, he wouldn t let me out of the house. I hadn t been able to get a real job, but I was
mowing lawns for people. Rick said I couldn t do that anymore because I might get stupid
and tell someone he was living with me.
Seb set the most recent letter down and pulled Jared onto his lap.  Did you ever try to
get away?
Jared nodded.  Once. He found me though. He took me home and tied me up. I was
like that for almost a week. He wouldn t feed Jelly Bean. She got so skinny. He said the next
time I tried to get away, he d kill her and make me eat her.
Jared nuzzled his face against Seb s neck.  I tried to get Jelly Bean to run away. I would
put her outside after he left the house and pray that she d run, but she never did. She d sit at
the screen door and meow for me.
 Jelly Bean loves you.
 Yeah. Sometimes I wished she didn t though.
Seb swallowed around the lump in his throat. He knew exactly what Jared was talking
about. The tears in Alexander s eyes as he looked out the back window of the social worker s
car still haunted him.
Knowing there was nothing he could say to make Jared feel better, Seb continued to
hold him in silence. He knew the road ahead wouldn t be easy for either one of them. Not
only would Jared have to sit in front of a courtroom and tell what had happened to him at
SEB S SURRENDER Carol Lynne 50
the hands of Rick and Bill, but Seb would have to hear it as well. How would he keep himself
from going after the two men with intent to kill?
Seb knew he needed to tell everyone to keep their eyes open for Bill. Until the man was
behind bars, Seb didn t plan to let Jared out of his sight. With a building full of trained
bodyguards, he knew Three Partners was better equipped than the police at tracking Bill
He noticed how quiet Jared had become. He glanced down and realised his lover was
asleep. With things to take care of, Seb gently laid Jared on the bed, before covering him up.
Before starting on his to-do list, he took several moments to stare at the sleeping man. Even
in sleep, Jared didn t look peaceful. The demons that continued to invade his dreams must be
Seb knew from experience it would take more than sending the two men to prison.
Jared would need years of therapy and love to settle him into a peaceful existence. It was a
good thing Seb was a patient man where Jared was concerned, because he had a strong
feeling things would get worse before they could get better.
* * * *
After taking Jared to the police station to talk to Detective Long, Seb pulled in front of
Three Partners. He squeezed Jared s hand.  You understand why we need to ask for their
help, right?
Jared lifted Seb s hand and kissed it.  I understand.
Seb smiled. He wasn t sure if Jared s constant affection was still due to the ordeal he d
suffered the previous evening or if his lover was like a kid with a new toy. It didn t matter to
Seb anymore. He didn t plan on complaining a bit.
After years of closing himself off, Seb was enjoying his new-found feelings for the man.
He tilted Jared s chin up for a deep kiss. There was something about the consuming way
Jared kissed him that made Seb hard every time.
 You ready?
 Do they know we re coming? What if they re busy?
Seb laughed.  They know, but that doesn t always mean anything. At any given
moment you can pretty much expect at least two of them to be having some form of sex.
SEB S SURRENDER Carol Lynne 51
 We should definitely call them then.
Seb shook his head and opened his door.  We ll be fine. Come on.
He led Jared up the steps and unlocked the front door.  Hello?
 Back here, Amir called.
Seb noticed Jared s reluctance.  It ll be fine. Just tell them what you told the detective.
Jared planted his feet and pulled Seb back.  Will you tell them?
As much as he wanted to make the situation easier for Jared, he knew it wasn t the best
thing to do.  The more you tell your story, the easier it will become.
They entered the living room hand in hand. Mac, Nicco and Amir were all tangled
together on the big sectional couch. Nicco, who was lying with his head in Mac s lap, reached
for the remote and turned off the TV.  Holy Hell. What happened?
Amir pushed Nicco s feet off his lap and Nicco got into a sitting position.  Have a seat.
Seb led Jared over to the small section of the L-shaped sectional and sat.  There was an
incident at the gas station last night.
 What kind of incident? Mac asked, his eyes narrowing.
Seb knew the look well. Mac was gearing up for a fight with whoever had hurt Jared.
He put his hand on Jared s thigh.  Jared?
Jared twined his fingers through Seb s.  Bill, Rick s brother, paid me a visit. He wore a
ski mask, but I know it was him.
 You ve met Rick s brother before last night?
Jared nodded.
Seb could tell his lover was becoming embarrassed, but somehow, he needed to get it
through Jared s head that it wasn t something he should be embarrassed by or feel guilty for.
He kissed the side of Jared s head.  You can do it.
Jared cleared his throat.  He used to do stuff to me when he was in town to see Rick.
 Stuff? You mean like the stuff Rick did? Mac questioned.
 Mmm hmm. Sometimes they did it to me together, but most of the time, Rick would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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