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dogmatism; but offers itself freely to all who will receive it without condemnation. The
way of "The Serpent" uses deception disguised as "secret initiation into higher
knowledge" in order to manipulate a person towards believing the reptilian propaganda
which they would use to get the believer to eventually worship their race. The way of
"The Lamb" does not use secrecy or manipulation, but is open and honest and has
nothing to hide, and therefore has no need for "secret" or "occult" society. Unlike "The
Serpent" which must hide in the darkness for fear of being discovered for what it really
is, "The Lamb" has nothing to hide and does not fear scrutiny nor challenge, being
absolutely perfect in every way. Therefore, this is not an attempt to "condemn" Hindus,
Buddhists, Masons, nor any other such group of persons, but an attempt to show them
that there is another and a better path.
The book "VENOMOUS REPTILES" also states that "Sheshna's well", an alleged
opening into the underground reptilian realm of "Patala", may be seen today in
Benares, India, and according to Minton, it's author: "It has forty steps leading down
into a circular depression to a stone door covered with cobras. This is said to lead to
PATALA, the reptile netherworld."
Buddhist occultists like Robert E. Dickhoff, in his book "AGHARTA" (Health Research,
Mokelumne Hill, CA), a somewhat "occultized" and confused look at the subterranean
civilizations of Asia, nevertheless describes one event which seems to tie-in with
various accounts which we have given earlier and which we will relate further on.
According to Dickhoff, or rather from what he learned from certain Buddhist monks,
some time in the ancient past an Asian prince and his followers had learned that a
subterranean race of reptilian-like hominoids were causing a
great deal of harm in the surface world through their attempts to manipulate the minds
of those on the surface through "witchcraft" and "sorcery". This Asian prince eventually
led an army of followers into the tunnels and caverns below central Asia and
encountered the reptilian or "lizard" people. After a considerable conflict the reptilians-
saurians were driven out of these ancient caverns and the (antediluvian?)
subterranean cities which later became known as "Agharta". Ever since that time the
reptilians, according to Dickhoff, have been plotting a re- takeover of these caverns
and have been using occult "channels" to spread propaganda which would favor their
In his book "ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS" (Souvenir Press), Andrew
Tomas gives some additional information concerning the "Nagas" or the "Serpent
People" who are believed to originate from a gigantic underworld cavern network
below central Asia and the Far East. On p. 160 of his book Tomas states:
"...Even in this jet-age every Hindu is familiar with and usually believes in the legend of
the Nagas, the "serpents" which live in extensive underground palaces in the rocky
Himalayas. It is believed that these creatures are able to fly in space and that they
possess amazing magical powers and intelligence. They are not too fond of man if he
is a curiosity seeker, explorer or mountaineer. According to the sacred(?) tradition of
the Hindus, the deep caverns of the Nagas contain fabulous treasures, illuminated by
flashing precious stones. The subterranean abodes are known to be in certain parts of
both the Himalayas and Tibet, particularly around the Lake of the Great Nagas - Lake
Take note of the remarkable similarity between this description and medieval traditions
of hideous and malevolent "dragons" who lived in dark underground lairs along with
kidnapped human maidens and "stolen treasures." We've all heard of these tales,
which most have formerly attributed to fantasy. However, could such tales actually be
rooted in subconscious awareness of actual realities?
Andrew Tomas describes his own personal encounters with those who claimed to have
knowledge of these subterranean and space-travelling creatures. On pp. 166-168 he
"...I decided to go to the Kulu Valley in the Western part of the Himalayas to visit
Naggar, where Nicholas Roerich had lived. Since I had known him personally, the trip
had sentimental overtone. A narrow curving road, a precipice on one side with rocks
and avalanches on the other, were not conductive to an enjoyable journey to this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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