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like a carrot dipped in the most intoxicating champagne!
Elsa sat down beside me and reaffirmed that all had been forgiven. She even went so far as to grope for
my balls under the table cloth, but I knew she didn't like to so I told her it was okay.
It was okay, sure enough. Those shining young eyes upon me, and all those pre-pubescent cunts on the
long benches, shifting uneasily as the anticipation of harsh fucking grew in their subconscious minds-I'd
made sure it was okay!
Chapter 8
Despite the grandiose evening the girls treated me to that evening, I still went into town the next day to
have my photos developed privately. It took me some time to find a photographer who could be bought
for a sum I could afford. Finally I found a man who required little more than a masked set of his own
Because I didn't trust him, and because he understood why, I was in the darkroom with him while he
developed them, and scratched out the faces on the copies meant for his collection. The other copies,
and the negatives, went to me.
They were perfect shots, every one of them. Gloating, I sent the negatives to my private post office box,
and tucked the developed prints into my wallet. To celebrate I went into a bar for a quick drink.
The day stretched out before me. I was free till I chose to return to the camp. If the director, or anyone
else for that matter, wanted to take me to task for it, that was fine with me. But I felt pretty sure no one
would jeopardize his future just to slap me on the wrist.
The bar was quiet. All decent folks were at work. Only myself, a few local characters, and a
middle-aged woman were in there drinking. The middle-aged woman took an interest in me, and
considering the kind of competition I had in that bar, I didn't blame her.
After downing my drink and ordering two more, I sat down beside her and slid the spare glass over. She
smiled gratefully and we struck up a conversation. The usual talk, was I at Camp Good Health, yes I
was and what did she do for a living, stuff like that. The whole talk was just a preamble for bed, and we
both knew it.
It turned out she was married to a sailor who was, at that moment, somewhere in the Mediterranean.
Her children were at school, she was lonely, looking for distractions, perhaps I could help? I said I
would sure try, if she would only take me to her place.
She drank her drink down in a flash and was on her feet before I even had the whole sentence out of my
mouth. It was only a few blocks before we reached a neat suburban house with a two-car garage. She
opened the front door and showed me into the living room. Then she excused herself for a moment.
Actually, seen in the light of day, she wasn't nearly as middle-aged as she had seemed in that bar. In her
thirties, I guessed, maybe she'd had a hard life. But she was a well-built woman, full-breasted,
full-hipped, and she carried herself well.
I relaxed with the drink she'd set up for me, and enjoyed my holiday away from the camp. It was good
that I had met her, perhaps screwing with an older woman would make it easier for me to readjust to my
wife when I got back home. Because I realized how dangerous this new appetite of mine was. I only had
two hopes of escaping its deadly pincers: to fuck my way through and out of it, or to find a more alluring
Her name was Bertha, not provocative, being more reminiscent of Big Bertha and Boxcar Bertha, but
one didn't fuck the name. She led me up to her bedroom. I noticed she smelled very sweet, and that her
ass wobbled freely. So that's what she had been doing while I relaxed over a drink-taken her corset off,
and put on that cloying perfume.
She smiled broadly when I embraced her and pressed her ample loins into mine as her mouth found my
lips, and we kissed. There was something peculiar about kissing her, not just the taste of cracking
lipstick or the smell of nicotine on her breath, but its loose wetness. I didn't like it, it was too sloppy, too
worn for me.
And yet I kept it up, feeling the faint stirrings in my prick as if it was willing to give it a try. I caressed her
back, feeling the yielding flesh of her big ass, a real woman's ass, round and fulsome and that more than [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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