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wanted her out of bed.
 Mia. Poke poke.  Are you awake? Poke.  Mia, you hafta see.
On the next prod from Parker, she snatched at the little boy and pulled him atop her, tickling and
growling at the small cub. Giggles and laughs filled the room with a few high-pitched squeals for
good measure. Heavy, thumping stomps announced a near stampede and then the tiny bedroom was
filled with Isaac, Van, and two other clan members.
 What s going on? Isaac s voice boomed in the small room, and she noticed their eyes were
black as night.
 Sorry, she gulped.  Parker and I were kidding around and got a little out of hand. We re
sorry, right Parker?
Wide-eyed, he nodded.  Sorry.
As one, their shoulders slumped and they exhaled, those black eyes fading back to their natural
Van came forward and ruffled Parker s hair.  It s okay, little cub. We just want to make sure
you and the Itana are safe. He turned his attention to Mia.  Gigi s here and said breakfast is ready.
They filed out, leaving her and one grinning little boy behind.  Come on, you little rat, let s go
Parker scrambled from her, kneeing her in the process, and then raced from the room. She knew
the moment he hit Van s kitchen because his high-pitched, joyful voice filled the house.
With a sigh, Mia rolled from the bed and snatched a hair tie from the dresser. In less than a
second her hair was secure in a lopsided pony tail. She glanced down at her body and shrugged. She
was scraggly looking but covered. She d borrowed a set of brand-new pajamas from Van, teasing him
about why they weren t worn when he handed them over. He d blushed, mumbled something about
 nekkid and then rushed off. It pleased her to no end that she was able to make the big bear squirm.
Chuckling, she shuffled from the small guestroom and headed toward the rising voices in the
center of the house. She easily recognized Isaac, Van, and a few guards tenors tumbling over
Parker s. Keen s was noticeably missing, but last night the man said he was chasing a lead.
Before long, she emerged into controlled chaos, Gigi barked orders while the massive men
rushed to do as she asked. Even Gigi had abandoned Ty, and Mia wondered who was making the
Itan s breakfast this morning. Gigi pointed at her and crooked her finger and Mia instantly headed
toward the woman. She who controls the kitchen must be obeyed. Hadn t she heard that from her
father often enough?
Her dad. He was coming to see her today, hitting the ground at noon and then driving over from
the airport. He d arrive around three or four. She glanced at the analog clock on the wall, five or six
hours and then she could slump into his arms and let him bear a little of the weight she carried.
 Morning, Gigi.
She tugged Mia close and gave her a one armed hug while planting a kiss on her forehead.
 Sleep well?
Mia frowned and shook her head.  Not so much.
 Uh-huh. The heavy thud of a car door slamming reached them.   Bout time he showed up.
Gigi nudged her.  You ve got a visitor. Go on out.
 But my dad s not supposed to be here until 
 It s not your daddy.
Mia shot her a questioning look, and Gigi rolled her eyes.  Little boys aren t the only ones who
know how to eavesdrop. How am I supposed to know everything if I don t do a little spying?
 So you know who s out there? And I want to go outside?
  Want to is a stretch.  Need to though& You definitely need to go out there.
Frowning at Gigi s cryptic statement, Mia strolled from the kitchen toward the front of the
house. The men who had been talking and laughing in the living room were now suspiciously absent,
as was Parker.
The rapid knock of the visitor broke into the silence, and Mia peeked through the peep hole. It
took one quick glance to identify the person on the other side of the door. The moment she saw him,
she stumbled back. Her heart beat rapidly, pounding out an ever increasing, unsteady rhythm.
Ty. Dang it. Why had he come to Van s? She d said what she d wanted to say, and that was it.
Another handful of knocks.  Mia? I can scent you. I know you re there. I just need a few
She didn t move, not an inch.
It was the  please that broke her. The single word held heartbreak and hope, pain and longing
and something a lot deeper. A feeling that neared her own.
Padding to the door, she reached for the deadbolt, only to find it already unlocked. A quick
twist of the knob and a tug had the wood panel swinging wide to reveal Ty.
Ty who looked a lot like she felt. Bags lingered beneath his bloodshot eyes; his clothes were
wrinkled, and his hair stuck up on its ends. He looked exhausted and delicious at the same time. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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