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beneath the waters, his broad shoulders rolling each time his arms pulled him
forward, slicing through the water. Her mind had been on little else these days,
thinking of his body joined to hers, his gentleness and desire to please her. She let
her cloak slide to the stone floor, greeting the man as he emerged from the steps
leading out of the pool. In the murky shadows his silhouette was breathtaking, water
dripped from his body and heat pooled between Alyson⬠"!s thighs at the thought of
his hands on her.
⬠SI am glad you came. I have been waiting for you.â¬
He stepped toward her, and her gaze followed the light traveling upward from his
feet to his thighs. Her knees grew weak, unable to get past the prize between his legs.
The ethereal steam seemed to thicken, lulling her senses, her mind drifting into a
sensual haze.
⬠SI can see you appreciate this form. I want to please you.â¬
Alyson registered the voice, fixated on the man⬠"!s swagger, the shape of his
muscular thighs. Ghostly hands touched the hem of her gown. Deft fingers caressed
her calves, her thighs, shifting the gown over her hips. The heavy scent of perfumed oil
and sulfur clogged the air, making it difficult to breathe. Held captive by a carnal lust,
her body became aroused by his mesmerizing touch. His dark eyes stared into hers,
a small gasp escaping her mouth as his fingers parted her womanly folds and stroked
⬠SYou like that, my pet. I will show you much pleasure. I will take you places you
have only dreamt of in your passion.⬠In her dreamlike state, he lifted her face to his
and she saw Torin just before his mouth came down hard on hers. He pressed her
back against the cool stone of the column, his fingers coaxing, sinking deeper into her
moist heat. His tongue mated with hers, persistent, seeking, demanding. Too lost in
her passion, Alyson could not hold on to the flashes of caution that this roughness was
not like Torin. He had control of her, body and soul, and she was powerless to resist.
Her fingers dug in to the sinewy flesh of his firm shoulders, his muscles bunching,
flexing, as he pressed his body against her. ⬠SI feared you did not wish to see me
again,⬠she managed to whisper through her parched throat. Alyson sighed, shutting
her eyes as his mouth closed over one breast, his hand kneading the other.
⬠SI want you always like this,⬠he stated, sliding his hands over her hips,
cupping her from behind as he nibbled between her thighs.
The roughness of his beard scraped her sensitive flesh, need clawed at her,
making her dizzy. ⬠SMilord,⬠she pleaded, grasping the soft hairs on his head.
Alyson opened her eyes and blinked, seeing Tulia walking toward them. Perched on
the edge of release, Alyson opened her mouth to speak, but the ministrations of her
lover were far too insistent, far too intoxicating to stop.
⬠SGive in to him, little rabbit. Do not hold back the passion you deny yourself.
Think of an eternity of such bliss.â¬
Alyson shook her head, her gaze locked with Tulia. Something was wrong. She felt
sick, her bones had turned liquid, she wanted him, wanted his cock buried deep
inside her. Her flesh turned cold, her teeth began to chatter, even though her body was
on fire with need.
⬠SGive yourself to him. Release your heart, your soul to him.⬠Tulia⬠"!s
voice grew loud. She stood watching as Torin pleasured Alyson with his tongue, her
gaze wild with delight, her grin making her appear like an evil gargoyle poised, ready
to pounce.
⬠SWhat manner of blackness is this? What have you done, Tulia?â¬
A stern voice came from far away in Alyson⬠"!s mind.
Tulia straightened and faced the intruder. ⬠SSee how your precious lover defies
your trust? Did you think she is worthy of you? Look at her, nothing but a common
Alyson jerked her head toward the male voice. Though muted, it sounded very
much like Torin⬠"!s.
But if that was Torin, then who⬠¦?
She looked down and the dark magic that had veiled her sight lifted, revealing the
true form of the creature that pleasured her. His scale-covered hands held her flesh,
his serpentine tongue flicked between her thighs. She pushed against his serpentine-
like head, screaming as she fought with all her might to free herself from the beast. In
her blind fury, she felt a strong arm slip around her waist and she continued to fight,
her arms and legs flailing. She was being dragged away from the creature, away from
Tulia. Fully in control of her senses, she looked into the face of her rescuer. ⬠SIs it
really you?â¬
Torin⬠"!s dark eyes held hers. ⬠SIt is me, Alyson. Stay here.⬠He turned and
lifted his sword over his head and faced the creature. It snarled, angry to have had its
prize taken from it, and rose to its knees. Its dark body wavered, shimmering in the
firelight until its torso and legs became one long dragon⬠"!s tail. He balanced on his
coiled tail, half-man, half-serpent, opening his mouth to reveal razor-sharp elongated
Alyson stared at the beast and realized then that Tulia had summoned him from
the Underworld to remove any competition for Torin, offering the beast Alyson⬠"!s
soul in return for his trouble.
Tulia⬠"!s face contorted with anger. She raised her fist, shouting at the creature.
⬠SWe had an agreement. I summoned you to take her away. Now do as I bid, or
return to your watery prison with nothing and I will finish this task where you have
Her insolence toward the god placed her in grave danger, though her stubborn
greed prevented her from realizing that. Alyson searched for a way to save Tulia, to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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