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innovative remote diagnosis system ensuring particularly broad and
efficient coverage of the car s operating data in diagnosing the vehicle and its
various components.
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In BMW Hydrogen 7 this diagnostic process is maintained permanently and
automatically in order to compile meaningful data on all conceivable operating
conditions as quickly and efficiently as possible. The system thus covers a
wide range of vehicle data transmitted regularly in an automatic process every
four hours to a BMW hotline. Such data includes the pressure inside the
tank and the level of fuel, the on-board voltage as well as various other reports
on the condition and status of the vehicle. At the driver s request,
the system may even show the current location of the car at any point in time.
Specialised BMW workshops for competent service.
BMW s development engineers have created a special service programme for
BMW Hydrogen 7: Regular service every three months serves, inter alia,
to check the hydrogen system for possible leaks and the safety components
for proper function, thus guaranteeing supreme reliability and safety in the
everyday use of BMW Hydrogen 7.
All maintenance and repair operations are conducted exclusively by specially
equipped workshops with specially trained service personnel able to carry out
all work on the hydrogen system safely and competently. And last but
certainly not least, only these workshops have the special tools required for
working on the hydrogen system in BMW Hydrogen 7.
Media 14. Momentum:
BMW Hydrogen 7 as the Incentive
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for Developing a Hydrogen Supply
" Study: hydrogen is the most promising alternative fuel
for the future.
" Practical mobility giving H2-drive greater acceptance.
Plans for further hydrogen filling stations.
Introducing BMW Hydrogen 7, the BMW Group is powerfully paving the way
for the ongoing expansion of hydrogen supply. While a nationwide network
of hydrogen power stations is still a vision, the technical and logistical know-
how required for this purpose is already available. And the supply of fuel for
the motorist under practical conditions is most convenient and straightforward,
with the process of filling up the tank of a hydrogen car being just as simple
and uncomplicated as in a conventional gasoline or diesel model. The decisive
arguments in favour of hydrogen are however the reduction of CO2 emissions
and the need to become independent of fossil fuels with their finite outlook in
A scientific study conducted by the Transport Energy Strategy (TES) Initiative,
focusing on more than 10 alternative fuels and over 70 production processes,
clearly reveals that hydrogen produced in a regenerating process is certainly
the best solution for the future in the long term, given the need to ensure
ongoing, sustained mobility. The TES study shows that the biggest political
and strategic advantage of hydrogen lies in the fact that hydrogen can be
recovered very flexibly and with a great potential from regenerating sources,
thus helping to avoid CO2 emissions and supply risks in the long term.
A further point is that hydrogen technology offers a great potential for
ongoing innovations in mobile use and therefore opens up new areas of
growth for German industry.
Precisely this is why the German Federal Government promotes this
environmentally friendly technology through its new National Hydrogen and
Fuel Cell Innovation Programme, with additional funds of Euro 500 million
to be set aside for this purpose in the next ten years. The focus in this case is
on both pilot and demonstration projects alike.
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BMW Group focusing on the supply of liquid hydrogen.
In the process of introducing this alternative fuel on an all-embracing,
ultimately worldwide level, the BMW Group is focusing on liquid hydrogen
mainly because this form of hydrogen offers far higher energy density than
gaseous hydrogen. Closely cooperating with MagnaSteyr as a project partner,
BMW already started to develop a tank system years ago in which vehicles
are able to fill up liquid hydrogen in fundamentally the same clean and
harmless process as in the case of gasoline or diesel.
The world s first public hydrogen filling station was opened at Munich
Airport in the year 2000, operated by Linde and used by BMW and other
manufacturers. This project alone served to provide valuable practical
experience on hydrogen drive.
Further hydrogen filling stations have subsequently entered operation in the
course of time, a filling station run by Aral opening up in Berlin in 2004 to
supply both buses and passenger cars with liquid and gaseous hydrogen.
In March 2006 another petroleum company, Total, opened up a further
integrated filling station in Berlin offering not only conventional fuels, but also
hydrogen. This new station replaced a test station opened in Berlin for the
first time by Total in the year 2002.
There are further filling stations for liquid hydrogen in Washington, Tokyo,
and Milan.
BMW and Total promoting the development of hydrogen.
To promote the development of hydrogen as an alternative drive energy, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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