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placed the paper on the table in front of her and started to read out loud.
Don t wreck your life.
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Find the right stud for the job.
Phone 54926282.
She leaned closer to read the fine print of the final line.
A division of Bart Hunter Building Services.
Located in Australia s sunniest state.
There was silence for a moment before she said,  I don t understand.
Are you telling me 
 Let me explain it to you, Mom. Madison knew her tone was terse,
but sometimes her mother was the absolute end.  The stud that that
advert is talking about has nothing to do with male studs. Or with sex.
You re about to marry a builder so it s time you got educated. A stud is
the beam behind the wallboard of a house.
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She stared at the shocked look on her mother s face. Then she raised
her eyebrows and grinned, although it was more like a grimace.  Bet you
read that advertisement without your glasses on. Want to take a guess
what the name of my hired stud was?
 Not not Jake? It couldn t be. I didn t even know this was Bart s
company, and I can t believe his son would do this to any girl, let alone
my daughter. Her voice quivered and her hands trembled as she
smoothed the sheet of newsprint in front of her.
 I am such a fool, she berated herself.  And you re right, I didn t have
my glasses on, but the company name and the phone number were
bigger type and really bold so I was able to read them. I am a total idiot.
Madison s thoughts turned back to the first day she d met Jake. No
wonder the guy had looked so pole-axed when she d told him her mother
had hired her a stud to teach her all about sex. All of a sudden, she saw
the funny side of it, although a ball of anger at being taken for a ride still
resided in the pit of her stomach.
She burst into laughter.  Oh, my, you should have seen his face. The
hilarity of the situation appealed to her sense of the ridiculous and
Madison doubled up over the table. When she d finally caught her
breath, she wiped the tears of mirth from her eyes and looked at her
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 We never exchanged more than first names. She shrugged.  I never
expected to see him again after all this was over. And you never
mentioned the name of Bart s son so I didn t make the connection.
 But I should have known, Rosa said.  Damn him, how could he do
this to you?
 He didn t know who I was, and when I spoke of him to you, I only
ever called him my stud. And oh, he is that. She tried to ignore the
Rosa stood up, pushed her glasses up and perched them atop her
head.  I m going to go right over there and give that boy a piece of my
 Hey, Madison, you there? Just came to do the lawns for you.
Madison looked up to see Greg, one of the boys from the university,
stride down the side of the house to the garden shed at the back of the
pool area. Cut-off shorts and an old tee shirt with the sleeves ripped out
made the most of his muscular body. He waved when he saw her sitting
at the picnic table.
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He flicked his head back as his blond hair fell forward over his
forehead. Madison grinned as she watched him push his dark-framed
glasses back up on his nose. She had employed him to cut her lawns
once a week, just to give him a bit of extra money to eke out his student
loan. At twenty, he sometimes made her feel like an old lady.
Leaning back in the chair, chin resting on her fisted hand, she
admired the ripple of muscles up and down his arms as he wrestled with
the recalcitrant door of the garden shed. A really wicked idea popped into
her head. I couldn t. A wide grin tilted her lips. Oh, but I could.
 Mom, don t say anything to Jake about this. I don t want your
engagement dinner ruined.
 But he can t be allowed to get away with it.
 He won t. Madison stood, smoothed her shorts down over her hips
and tugged her tee shirt up and tied it in a knot under her breasts.
 Don t go away. I ll be right back.
Ooo-kay, Jake told me to go out and find a new stud. Well, maybe not
that, but he seems to think I do have a new one so why disappoint him?
She exaggerated the sway of her hips in the brief shorts as she
sauntered over to Greg. When she reached the garden shed, she propped
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herself up against the fence and watched him drag the lawn mower from
amid the clutter inside.
 So how s it going, Greg? You all set for the start of classes next
He turned from his task of filling the mower with fuel and wiped his
hands on the rag tucked into his back pocket.  It s been a great holiday,
but I ll be glad to get back at it. Final semester. Wahoo.
With loose-limbed grace he joined her at the fence, resting one hip
against the wooden structure, his glasses once again halfway down his
 I hopped on the university web site last night and downloaded the
course descriptions for my final subjects. He shook his head and
grimaced, pushing his glasses back into place.  Sometimes I think I was
an idiot for choosing Environmental Science. This last bit is going to be
tough going.
 But think how good you ll feel when it s all over. Madison took a
deep breath that lifted her breasts high. She felt bad manipulating Greg
like this, but if he d play along, tonight was going to be fun.  Greg, how
do you feel about being my companion for dinner at a Chinese restaurant
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tonight, all expenses paid?
 Hey, are you kidding? You know I live on my own. My cooking is
lousy. I d do anything for a free meal. Well, just about anything.
 Could you pretend to be my paid stud? Madison waited with baited
breath for his response.
 My mother and her fiancé are having an engagement dinner tonight
at the Golden Dragon. There s going to be someone there that I& Well,
suffice it to say he needs to be taught a lesson.
Greg grinned.  Boyfriend got your dander up, eh? He let out a crack
of laughter.  Sure, I m game for it. It ll be a hoot. So how do you want me
to play this? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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