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the robe and spread it across the back of a nearby chair before she turned down the covers and,
tossing off her slippers, climbed under the sheet.
He looked at her with darkening, narrowed eyes. She could see his heartbeat, it was so heavy.
While she watched, his hand went to the loop that secured the belt of his robe and loosened it, catching
the robe over one arm to toss it aside. He stood there, completely nude, completely aroused, and let
her look.
Her lips parted. It was a blatant, arrogant action. She didn t know what to do or say. She couldn t
manage words. He was& exquisite. He had a body that would have made the most jaded woman swoon
with pleasure. And, remembering the heated mastery of his lovemaking, her body throbbed all over. It
was in her eyes, her flushed face, her shaking heartbeat.
 Take it off, he said in a husky soft tone.  I want to look at you.
She wasn t able to think anymore. She clammered out from under the sheet and onto her knees,
struggling to throw off the yards of concealing cotton. At last, she tugged it over her head and threw
it onto the floor. Her body was as aroused as his. He knew the signs.
He moved around the bed. As he came closer, he caught the rose scent of her. Forgotten was the
rocky start to their honeymoon, the accusations, the sudden illness. He approached her like a predator.
She made a helpless little sound and abruptly reached beside her to sweep both pillows off the
bed and onto the floor as she surged backward, flat on the sheet, her legs parted, her arms beside her
head. She trembled there, waiting, a little afraid of the overwhelming masculinity of him, but hungry
and welcoming despite it.
He came onto the bed, slowly, stealthily, as if he still expected her to bolt. One lean, powerful leg
inserted itself between both of hers, his chest hovered above hers, his arms slid beside her, his fingers
interlaced with her own and pinned them beside her ears.
 It s& pagan. She choked.
He understood. He nodded slowly, and still his eyes held hers, unblinking, as his leg moved
against the inside of hers in a sinuous, sensual touch that echoed the predatory approach of his mouth
to her parted lips.
It was like fencing, she thought half-dazed. His body teased her, his mouth teased her, every part
of him was an instrument of seduction. It was nothing like their earlier lovemaking, when he d kissed
her, touched her, even pleasured her. This was the real thing, a prowling, tenderly violent stalking of
the female by the male, a controlled savagery of pleasure that enticed but never satisfied, that aroused
and denied all at the same time.
Her body shook as if with a fever and she arched, pleaded, pulled, twisted, trying to make him
end it. The tension was at a level far beyond any that he d ever subjected her to.
He touched her very briefly and then, finally finally! moved down into the intimacy that
she d begged for. But even as it came, it frightened her. She stiffened, her nails digging into his
muscular arms, her teeth biting at her lower lip.
He stilled. His heart was beating furiously, but his eyes, despite their fierce need, were tender.
 First times are always difficult, he whispered. He held her eyes as he moved again, very gently.
 Can you feel me, there? he murmured wickedly, bending to brush his smiling lips against hers.
They rested there as he moved again.  Talk to me.
 Talk? She gasped as she felt him invading her.  Good& Lord& !
 Talk to me, he chided, laughing as she clutched him.  This isn t a ritual of silence. We re
learning each other in the most intimate way there is. It shouldn t be an ordeal. Look down my body
while I m taking you. See how it looks when we fit together like puzzle pieces.
 I couldn t! she gasped.
 Why? He stilled and deliberately lifted himself for a few seconds.  Look, Tiffany, he coaxed.
 It isn t frightening, or sordid, or ugly. We re becoming lovers. It s the most beautiful thing a man
and woman can share, especially when it s as emotional as it is physical. Look at us.
It was a powerful enticement, and it worked. But her shocked eyes didn t linger. They went
quickly back to his, as if to seek comfort and reassurance.
 You re my wife, he whispered softly. He caught his breath as his next movement took him
completely to the heart of her, and his eyes closed and he shivered.
Seeing him vulnerable like that seemed to rob her of fear and the slight discomfort of their
intimate position. One of her hands freed itself and moved hesitantly to touch his drawn face, to sift
through his thick, cool black hair. His eyes opened, as if the caress startled him.
It was incredible, to look at him and talk to him with the lights on while they fused in the most
shocking way. But he didn t seem at all shocked. In fact, he watched her the whole time. When his hips
began to move lazily against hers and the shock of pleasure lifted her tight against him, and she
gasped, he actually laughed.
 For& shame! She choked, shivering with each movement as unexpected pleasure rippled
through her.
 Why? he taunted.
 You laughed! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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