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her off.
 This just showed up minutes after, while I was running for my damn life from the demons
I saved him from. So, I will be damned if you make it out as if I was looking forward to making
him suffer. Putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him, she continued.
 Secondly, as you can plainly see I am mortal, up until three months ago, I had no idea
vampires even existed. How the hell am I supposed to know that once they are mated, they need
the mate s blood to survive? Taking a step forward, she pointed a finger at him.
 And thirdly, if you don t quit yelling all your questions and being rude, I will walk my
happy ass right out that portal. Saying the hell with it. The threat was an empty one, but he
didn t need to know that.
Giving an exasperated sigh and stepping forward, he offered his hands in attempt to keep
the peace.  I am Sir Edward Miconis, King of the Vampire Society.
Stasia only looked at his offered hand and nodded.  No offense, but in my experience lately,
it s safer for me to keep my hands and other body parts to myself.
What had she gotten herself into now? Panic exploded through her body, as her run instinct
took over. The wanting to belong was so strong, but in no way, shape, or form did she want to be
the damn queen of the vampires. This was too much for one person to handle.
 Well you really are in for a surprise if this is too much. Mathis spoke up.
The Thrice Princess 33
Stasia mistakenly spoke her thoughts out loud. Just great, now everyone in the room knew
what was going through her head, and she really didn t like it. Mathis would have to explain that
comment after all the mate business settled.
 Well, now that I know why you and your sons are so pissed that I haven t been here, I can
assure you I had no knowledge that Devlin needed me or I would have been here. I didn t save
his neck in that alley to have him die now. Take me to him so I can heal him. She gestured for
him to lead the way, and strong arms grabbed her from behind as she stepped forward to follow.
Turning she met the weary eyes of Mathis.
 You need to wait. We are about to have a visitor and its probably best if it s here and
nowhere near your ailing mate.
 What do you mean visitor? boomed the king, signaling his men to get to the ready, for a
war. They pointed their swords at Mathis.
 Drop the swords, Stasia yelled at the guards and king.
 Give me one reason why I should. He is obviously plotting my demise.
 Because, he s my brother, and you do not fuck with family.
Every eye in the room turned to her. Even Mathis looked surprised. So was she five years
ago, after overhearing his conversation with what had to be their father. Stasia always kind of felt
they were related somehow. Two people didn t have a connection like theirs if they weren t.
Keeping her mouth closed was hard over the years, while waiting patiently for him to tell her, but
having his life threatened by being with her; it was now or never.
Mathis released his hold on her and spun her around to look in his eyes.  How did you
 I overheard a phone conversation to; I believe our father or someone. You said that you had
to protect me, not only because of the prophecy, but because I am your little sister and that s
what brothers do.
Another collective gasp filled the room. The thud of metal hitting the floor reached her ears
as swords hit the floor.
34 Drea Becraft
Looking around to see that all the vampires in the room were kneeling and looking at the
floor, Stasia then saw the source of the bowing. A woman with curly red hair and alabaster skin,
wearing a teal gown, which clung to a glorious figure. A heart shaped face set off beautiful
features, and beautiful blue eyes met her stare. The glow from her skin sent a halo around her as
bright as the sun.
 Kremara, goddess we are humbled to have you in our presence, the king said as he knelt
on the floor.
 Humbling as that is, you made a huge mistake at pointing your swords at my daughter
Edward. Her voice was light and airy. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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