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Like burning, like drowning, like falling apart ... There was no way to describe it,
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even to herself, so she stopped trying and let the sensations wash over her.
Somewhere in the back of her brain was a gathering knot of tension, a dire
warning that she knew she was ignoring at her own peril. Her temples were
throbbing, a precursor to the end, the fatal brain damage that would have to
happen very soon, and yet she didn't care.
All of her life she'd been living carefully, avoiding contact, trying not to feel too
much. It felt so good to let go of the fear, so wonderful to let the tide of emotion
take her where it wanted and caution be damned. She was naked and open and
ready in a way she'd never been before and would never be again. She thought
she'd rather die here and now like this than live another fifty years and never know
this urgent need, this deep desire.
 Laura? You ready? Vince's voice in her ear, breathless and low, sent a helpless
shiver down her spine. Her entire body throbbed with his emotion, she could feel
his need for her, the ageless need to penetrate, to consume, to possess, and she
welcomed him without reservation.
 Yes, she whispered.  Yes, now.
She felt the head of his shaft pressing against her wetness, rubbing gently over her
sensitized clit as he prepared to enter her. The sweet, intimate contact was almost
too much, waves of intense sensation and emotion rolled over her and for a
moment her vision went gray and wavery. Then she heard him again.
 Stay with me, baby. Need you to stay with me 'till the end. There was a depth of
emotion in his voice, a sorrow that pierced her heart as surely as he was about to
pierce her below. In the gloom of the Queen's chamber his eyes were drowning
deep, filled with need and regret, shining with unshed tears.
Laura reached up to caress his cheek, feeling the rough scratch of his whiskers
over the palm of her hand, reveling in the tingle of sparks it sent through her body.
 Don't, she whispered.  I want this, Vince. More than I've ever wanted anything
before. Please, don't stop now. We're so close--so close. I can feel it, can't you?
She raised her hips up to meet him, wanting him inside her, wanting to give in and
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let the current carry her out completely.
 Yeah. His voice was choked with emotion, his muscles beneath her hands
knotted with tension.  I feel it, he whispered and then she felt the head of his
shaft breach her entrance and begin its slow, inevitable slide deep inside her open,
willing body.  Can you feel it too? he asked, pressing deeper, reaching for her
 I ... oh, yes ... yes.... She gasped, fighting to accept him inside her body and
mind both. She felt his pleasure filling her, of feeling her sweet slippery heat as he
pressed inside, his need to go deep and his desire to hold back enough to make it
good, to make it right for her. He was big and so thick, but he had prepared her
well. There was a brief, exquisite pain that had nothing to do with the intense
emotional loop building between them and then he was all the way inside her,
buried to the hilt in her warm, willing body.
Laura closed her eyes tightly, savoring the sensation of his body sheathed within
her own, feeling the intimate contact like a lightning strike to her nervous system.
 No, baby. Vince's voice was urgent.  Stay with me--keep your eyes open. I
wanna look in those beautiful eyes while I'm in you, while I make love to you.
She opened her eyes, focusing on his face, filled with need and worry. He was
holding utterly still within her, frozen with tension. Laura felt it all, washing over
her like a river of molten flame and saw it too, dyed a deep blood red pulsing from
the ceiling above them. Somewhere, in a small, unimportant corner of her mind,
the Lepid Queen was screaming anger and pain and hate but none of it mattered.
Nothing mattered but Vince inside her, inside her body and mind and heart.
 Please, she managed to whisper. She gripped his shoulders tightly and thrust up
to meet him, moving her hips, wanting to feel the delicious friction of him sliding
within her.
 God, baby.... Vince leaned back, urging her to spread her thighs wider,
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searching for the perfect angle.
She gasped as he pulled out and thrust back home, moaning out loud as the loop
between them tightened like a deadly, pleasurable noose. She wanted more--
needed it and she knew Vince understood. He began to pound into her body,
feeding her need to make this a rough, thorough ride. There was nothing gentle in
his actions and yet she felt his tenderness, like the softest of kisses, all over her
skin. Her temples throbbed, pushed far past sensory overload by their relentless
Over his shoulder she could see the belly of the Queen Lepid glowing a bright, red- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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