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valleys had sobered with subtle change that left them none the less
A mile or more down the road from White Slides, in a protected nook,
nestled two cabins belonging to a cattleman named Andrews, who had
formerly worked for Belllounds and had recently gone into the stock
business for himself. He had a rather young wife, and several children,
and a brother who rode for him. These people were the only neighbors of
Belllounds for some ten miles on the road toward Kremmling.
Columbine liked Mrs. Andrews and often rode or walked down there for a
little visit and a chat with her friend and a romp with the children.
Toward the end of September Columbine found herself combating a strong
desire to go down to the Andrews ranch and try to learn some news about
Wilson Moore. If anything had been heard at White Slides it certainly
had not been told her. Jack Belllounds had ridden to Kremmling and back
in one day, but Columbine would have endured much before asking him for
She did, however, inquire of the freighter who hauled Belllounds's
supplies, and the answer she got was awkwardly evasive. That nettled
Columbine. Also it raised a suspicion which she strove to subdue.
Finally it seemed apparent that Wilson Moore's name was not to be
mentioned to her.
First, in her growing resentment, she had an impulse to go to her new
friend, the hunter Wade, and confide in him not only her longing to
learn about Wilson, but also other matters that were growing daily more
burdensome. How strange for her to feel that in some way Jack Belllounds
had come between her and the old man she loved and called father!
Columbine had not divined that until lately. She felt it now in the fact
that she no longer sought the rancher as she used to, and he had
apparently avoided her. But then, Columbine reflected, she might be
entirely wrong, for when Belllounds did meet her at meal-times, or
anywhere, he seemed just as affectionate as of old. Still he was not the
same man. A chill, an atmosphere of shadow, had pervaded the once
wholesome ranch. And so, feeling not yet well enough acquainted with
Wade to confide so intimately in him, she stifled her impulses and
resolved to make some effort herself to find out what she wanted
to know.
As luck would have it, when she started out to walk down to the Andrews
ranch she encountered Jack Belllounds.
"Where are you going?" he inquired, inquisitively.
"I'm going to see Mrs. Andrews," she replied.
"No, you're not!" he declared, quickly, with a flash.
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Columbine felt a queer sensation deep within her, a hot little gathering
that seemed foreign to her physical being, and ready to burst out. Of
late it had stirred in her at words or acts of Jack Belllounds. She
gazed steadily at him, and he returned her look with interest. What he
was thinking she had no idea of, but for herself it was a recurrence and
an emphasis of the fact that she seemed growing farther away from this
young man she had to marry. The weeks since his arrival had been the
most worrisome she could remember.
"I _am_ going," she replied, slowly.
"No!" he replied, violently. "I won't have you running off down there
to--to gossip with that Andrews woman."
"Oh, _you_ won't?" inquired Columbine, very quietly. How little he
understood her!
"That's what I said."
"You're not my boss yet, Mister Jack Belllounds," she flashed, her
spirit rising. He could irritate her as no one else.
"I soon will be. And what's a matter of a week or a month?" he went on,
calming down a little.
"I've promised, yes," she said, feeling her face blanch, "and I keep my
promises.... But I didn't say when. If you talk like that to me it might
be a good many weeks--or--or months before I name the day."
"_Columbine!_" he cried, as she turned away. There was genuine distress
in his voice. Columbine felt again an assurance that had troubled her.
No matter how she was reacting to this new relation, it seemed a fearful
truth that Jack was really falling in love with her. This time she did
not soften.
"I'll call dad to _make_ you stay home," he burst out again, his temper
Columbine wheeled as on a pivot.
"If you do you've got less sense than I thought."
[Illustration: "I know why you're going. It's to see that club-footed
cowboy Moore!... Don't let me catch you with him."]
Passion claimed him then.
"I know why you're going. It's to see that club-footed cowboy Moore!...
Don't let me catch you with him!"
Columbine turned her back upon Belllounds and swung away, every pulse in
her throbbing and smarting. She hurried on into the road. She wanted to
run, not to get out of sight or hearing, but to fly from something, she
knew not what.
"Oh! it's more than his temper!" she cried, hot tears in her eyes. "He's
mean--_mean_--MEAN! What's the use of me denying that--any more--just
because I love dad?... My life will be wretched.... It _is_ wretched!"
Her anger did not last long, nor did her resentment. She reproached
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herself for the tart replies that had inflamed Jack. Never again would
she forget herself!
"But he--he makes me furious," she cried, in sudden excuse for herself.
"What did he say? 'That club-footed cowboy Moore'!... Oh, that was vile.
He's heard, then, that poor Wilson has a bad foot, perhaps permanently
crippled.... If it's true.... But why should he yell that he knew I
wanted to see Wilson?... I did _not!_ I _do_ not.... Oh, but I do,
I do!"
And then Columbine was to learn straightway that she would forget
herself again, that she had forgotten, and that a sadder, stranger truth
was dawning upon her--she was discovering another Columbine within
herself, a wilful, passionate, different creature who would no longer
be denied.
Almost before Columbine realized that she had started upon the visit she
was within sight of the Andrews ranch. So swiftly had she walked! It
behooved her to hide such excitement as had dominated her. And to that
end she slowed her pace, trying to put her mind on other matters.
The children saw her first and rushed upon her, so that when she
reached the cabin door she could not well have been otherwise than rosy
and smiling. Mrs. Andrews, ruddy and strong, looked the pioneer
rancher's hard-working wife. Her face brightened at the advent of
Columbine, and showed a little surprise and curiosity as well.
"Laws, but it's good to see you, Columbine," was her greeting. "You
'ain't been here for a long spell."
"I've been coming, but just put it off," replied Columbine. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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