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eating the meal he d chosen.
He wasn t sure he could do this anymore. Liam wanted so
much more than Patrick wanted to give him.
It was true, he was in love with Patrick. Had been since the
first moment they had kissed if he was truthful, but he needed
someone open enough to declare their relationship what it was.
A real relationship built on trust, love, and common ground.
Liam wanted them to buy a house together, wanted to look into
adopting a child one day. He needed someone who was not only open
and honest with himself, but also had the support of his family.
Because Patrick s family loved him, it was as obvious as the
brown eyes in his head. If only Patrick would be honest with them.
Patrick swallowed the last of his wine, his nervous stomach playing
havoc with him. Any moment he expected his parents to figure it out,
to brand him a leper, a fag, an unnatural beast.
Couldn t they feel his connection to Liam? Couldn t they tell
how special he was?
His dad stood up next to him, breaking him out of his deep
 Time for us old people to get to bed. Are you going out later
Patrick watched the way his dad s eyes swung to Liam. His
dad was probably wondering just what sort of night he would have
Liam stood slowly, stretching his back and allowing his very
well built form to stand out against the material of his shirt.
Patrick s cock stirred, despite their location.
 Not me, I m bushed, time to hit the hay. Milly could take
Patrick out, she s much younger than me.
They all laughed as they made their way to the counter.
Liam pulled out his credit card but Dad beat him to it.
 Mr. Considine, I ll pay, please Sir & 
His dad laughed and softly placed his hand on Liam s
 No way young man. It was our pleasure to have you. We
don t often get to meet Patrick s friends. His dad handed over his
own credit card and signed for their dinner.  You could do me a favor
and tell my wife about the woman Patrick is seeing though, otherwise
she ll nag me to death for the next month.
Fear gripped Patrick s stomach, stronger than it had all night.
Liam looked straight at him, blue eyes burning with an
emotion Patrick wasn t sure he could decipher.
 Patrick s new lover is pretty special, Mrs Considine. I
wouldn t want to ruin the surprise.
His mother laughed happily and Patrick didn t know whether
to laugh or cry. Liam was trying so hard not to be hurt, not to show
anyone how he truly felt.
 Well, I better go. It was lovely to meet you all. Happy
Birthday again, Patrick. Liam smiled unhappily and Patrick swayed
forward, wanting to comfort his lover.
Liam stepped back away from him. That hurt.  Call me when
you have time to get a beer or something. Liam stuffed his hands
back into his expensive jeans and walked away.
Milly clung to Patrick s arm.  I think I will grab a drink with
Patrick, mum. See you guys at home.
Patrick forced his eyes away from his boyfriend s retreating
form and hugged his parents goodbye.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Patrick got punched in
the shoulder.  Let s go. Milly grabbed his arm and began pulling
him down the street after Liam.
 What are you doing? Patrick wanted to resist being man
handled by such a small female, but knew it would be futile.
Plus, she was pulling him in the direction he wanted to go.
 We need to catch Liam. LIAM!
Patrick clapped two hands over his ears as Milly screamed out
Liam s name. They kept walking, and Liam came into view, retracing
his steps.
 You hollered, milady. Liam bowed elegantly and Patrick s
knees went weak. This man was to die for.
 You forgot your boyfriend.
Patrick jerked back, pulling away from his sister and his lover.
 What did you just say?
His baby sister glared at Patrick then punched him in the
shoulder again.
 Oww. He rubbed the shoulder and stepped closer to Liam.
 Number one, how could you not tell me you were gay? And
number two, how could you hurt Liam like that?
Patrick looked between his crazy sister and his hurt boyfriend
and didn t know who to apologize to first.
 How did you know? He asked, slipping his hand into
Liam s.
 Never mind that, kiss him. Milly waved her hand like magic
and Liam grabbed him.
Liam hauled Patrick s pelvis into his and pressed Patrick s lips
open with his seeking tongue. Patrick moaned and wrapped his arms
around his lover, giving in to the emotion and lust he had been
experiencing all night.
He had been so worried that Liam would punish him for
tonight, even break up with him. To feel his arms around him again,
the relief was immense.
 That is a little too hot for me. Time to go home I think.
Patrick heard his sister s comment and wanted to laugh. She
had been playing with fire when she had unleashed Liam.
Liam slowly raised his head but didn t let go of Patrick.
 Thanks, Milly.
She sniffed inelegantly and began to walk away.
Patrick couldn t let that one go.  Tell me how you knew,
She turned, her brown eyes burning even in the dim light.
 I ve never seen you so happy, big brother.
And with that very telling statement, she walked away.
Liam moved behind Patrick and wrapped his big warm arms
around Patrick s waist. He leaned in close and put his lips to Patrick s
ear.  I love you, you know that?
Patrick s heart stopped, then started again, beating faster and
stronger than it had before.
 I do now. Patrick leant into the arms that held him and
together they moved over to his car.
 Come home with me? Patrick heard the sharp intake of
breath and the persistent pressing of the large cock at his back.
 To your apartment?
Patrick nodded and jumped into his car. He had never allowed
Liam to spend the night at his apartment before. He had always been
too worried that someone would see them.
Fear and excitement raced through Patrick as they made their
way back to his apartment. Liam clung to his hand as they took the lift
to the thirtieth floor and they fell into Patrick s apartment, arms
wrapped around one another.
Patrick turned on the lights to illuminate his life. It was pretty
He walked along the hall and stepped into his bedroom. Liam
stepped in close behind him.
 Wow, Liam whistled, looking at the blank walls and plain
black furniture.  Are you sure you re not straight?
In answer Patrick ripped the shirt from his own body and got
out of his jeans and shoes in record time.
Standing before his lover, fully erect, Patrick opened his arms.
 Considering I m in love with you and want nothing more
than to fuck your arse tonight, I don t think so.
Liam swallowed and began to take his clothes off, not quite as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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